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Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman expressed full support for the implementation of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028, vowing to carry out budgetary reforms and transformational initiatives within the bureaucracy.

“With President Marcos Jr. at the helm and with our Agenda for Prosperity on track, I am confident that a prosperous, inclusive and resilient society which we all aspire is highly attainable. Rest assured that the DBM will continue to provide necessary budgetary support leading to the successful implementation of the PDP,” Pangandaman said.

She issued the statement after President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s recent signing of Executive Order No. 14, approving and adopting the PDP 2023-2028. The plan serves as the government’s economic recovery roadmap, which contains actionable policies and programs, as well as legislative priorities that will enable the country to reach its desired development outcomes.

"The PDP is anchored on the 'AmBisyon Natin 2040,' the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the President's 8-Point Socioeconomic Agenda. The Plan is also aligned with the fulfillment of commitments under the 2022-2028 Medium-Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF), which seeks to bring the economy back to a high-growth trajectory and fiscal consolidation," Pangandaman said.

“The DBM will strive to implement and practice good governance and improve bureaucratic efficiency as our contribution to the full implementation of the Philippine Development Plan,” she added.

DBM's priority programs and long-term goals include: digital transformation; institutionalization of the Open Government Partnership; and the implementation of important legislative reforms, such as the Progressive Budgeting for Better and Modernized (PBBM) Governance Bill, Budget and Treasury Management System (BTMS), and the National Government Rightsizing Program (NGRP).




The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international movement for openness established in 2011. The Philippines is one of the eight founding governments of the OGP together with Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.