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This platform contains information and updates about the Dagyaw 2021: Open Government Virtual Town Hall Meetings. It also serves as the repository of the consolidated documentation of emerging issues raised by citizens during public dialogues held under the Dagyaw platform, as well as, the responses and status of actions taken by government and other organizations that participated in this initiative.


DAGYAW 2021 Open Government Town Hall Meetings:
“Improving Social Accountability in Local Service Delivery”



The Philippines is in the midst major upheavals. The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to ravage the world and threaten lives and livelihood of citizens. The country also faces the ever-present threat posed by natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and typhoons. Meanwhile, in a bid to improve local service delivery, the government is currently in a transition towards greater devolution of services as a result of the Mandanas-Garcia SC Ruling.

With all the flux and uncertainty faced by Filipinos, it is the duty of    the Government to keep its citizens informed and updated with the affairs of state. The government should strive to secure the trust of citizens and assure them that their government is doing its best to serve the country. Therefore, it is imperative for programs like the Dagyaw Open Government Town Halls, to continue.

Dagyaw, a Hiligaynon word that directly translates to “togetherness”, provides a venue wherein citizens and their government can come together to engage in discourse. In these Town Halls, citizens can ask questions from the government and provide feedback to public programs and services. Likewise, government agencies benefit from the town hall as it provides them a platform to promote and explain government initiatives as well as get a feel of the pulse of the people on important issues. In the past, the Town Halls have been conducted both at the National and Regional Level.

The Dagyaw Town Halls are also anchored on the mandates of the Participatory Governance Cabinet Cluster (PGC) to (i) promote and ensure the direct participation of various stakeholders in the crafting and formulation of policies and programs to address emergent governance issues and concerns at the grassroots level and; (ii) initiate programs and projects that will facilitate citizen empowerment and participation in governance at the national, regional and local levels. Moreover, the continuing conduct of town hall meetings in the country is a commitment of the Philippine government to the international Open Government Partnership (OGP). 

The townhalls are spearheaded by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). It is also supported by the Office of the President (OP); Office of the Cabinet Secretary (OCS) and various national government agencies.

In 2020, the Town Hall went virtual in consideration to the threat posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Furthermore, a co-creation process was implemented wherein Civil Society Organizations were invited to participate in the process of developing Dagyaw from the onset of the preparations up to the conduct and assessment of the townhalls.

The Philippines rated highly in the 2020 COVID-19 Global Scorecard on Accountability which was conducted by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) due in large part to Dagyaw which was cited as an avenue for continuing public dialogues during the COVID crisis on government response policies.

For this year, Dagyaw shall focus on topics and issues surrounding local service delivery, in the context of the COVID-19 Recovery Efforts of the country as well as the changes being implemented under the SC ruling on the Mandanas-Garcia Case. Another key change for this year is the emphasis towards localization of the Town Halls; Provincial Governments shall be encouraged to conduct their own Dagyaw Townhalls with guidance from the Regional TWGs. This is in line with DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-56 wherein all LGUs are enjoined to conduct town hall meetings every quarter, to serve as a platform in informing citizens of the state of local governance in their respective LGUs.

Considering the continuing threat posed by COVID-19, the National Town Halls will still be conducted virtually. Regional and Provincial Town Halls are also recommended to be held virtually, but areas that face minimal threat from COVID-19 will be allowed to hold mixed-townhalls wherein a limited audience may be invited to participate. However, the townhalls should still be broadcast online and/or through other platforms such as radio or television.

In line with the efforts towards the localization of Dagyaw and the ongoing discussions on the topic of Greater Devolution of Government Services, it is proposed that for the Dagyaw 2021 conforms to the overall theme of “Improving Social Accountability in Local Service Delivery”.



The main goal of the DAGYAW 2021 is to build mutual trust between the government and the Filipino people by providing an open, neutral, and protected space for dialogue. It shall co-create and launch the Town Hall Meetings with members of Civil Society Organizations. Specifically, it shall aim to:

  1. Increase awareness among CSOs on the national and local governments efforts to implement the provisions of EO 138 s. 2021 or the Full Devolution of Certain Functions of the Executive Branch to Local Governments, including the salient features of the Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs); and
  2. Provide a platform for citizens and government to hold discussions on local service delivery in the context of the COVID-19 Recovery Efforts of the country.

The program shall also make the outputs of these dialogues as key references of government in public decision-making, and in shaping and updating government policies that can lead to better public sector performance and service delivery



It should be stressed that for all the Dagyaw Episodes to be conducted in the National, Regional, and Provincial Level, emphasis should be placed in inviting and engaging citizens. The townhall sessions are envisioned to be a platform for citizens to engage in dialogue with the government, therefore the attendees should predominantly belong from non-government sectors.


Proposed Number of Episodes

National Dagyaw

The National town hall sessions shall be made open to the public. Specific invitations shall be sent to various representatives from civil society organizations, development partners, academe, business groups, public sector unions, people’s organizations, and the media.

Regional Dagyaw

For the regional town halls, targeted participants will also include Private Sector Representatives (PSRs) of Regional Development Councils (RDCs), National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) Sectoral Councils, and members of the Local Development Councils (LDCs), academe, business groups, media, and other relevant non-government organizations in the region.

Provincial Dagyaw

Similarly, provincial town halls will also invite members of provincial councils, National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) Sectoral Councils, members of the Local Development Councils (LDCs), academe, business groups, media, and other relevant non-government organizations in the provinces.


Number of Dagyaw Episodes per Level


Proposed Number of Episodes

National Dagyaw

4 National Episodes

Regional Dagyaw

1 Per Region (Minimum)

Provincial Dagyaw

1 Per Province (Minimum)

At the National Level, four (4) Dagyaw Episodes are slated to be conducted. For the Regional Dagyaw, a minimum of one (1) Dagyaw Episode will be conducted. Provincial Dagyaw, the Provincial LGUs will be enjoined to conduct one (1) Dagyaw. These episodes are expected to run from September to December 2021.

More episodes can be conducted depending on the agreements reached by the technical working group


Dagyaw: Co-Creation Process

One of the key tenets of Dagyaw is its commitment to follow a Co-Creation Process that involves bringing in relevant stakeholders together to collectively develop and produce mutually shared governance outcome/s from the virtual town hall sessions. From the planning stage up to the rollout of the townhalls, representatives from the non-government sector shall be invited to participate and be an equal partner.


The Dagyaw Technical Working Group

The Dagyaw Technical Working Group (TWG) shall be constituted and designated to steer the direction and overall management, implementation, and evaluation of the Dagyaw 2021 Town Halls. The Dagyaw 2021 TWG shall be composed of representatives from both government and non-government sectors. 

  • At the national level, the Participatory Governance Cluster of the Cabinet, through the DILG, PCOO, and the DBM, shall be the lead convener from the government. The PGC shall then seek the endorsement of the Philippine Open Government Partnership (PH-OGP) Secretariat and Freedom of Information Program Management Office (FOI-PMO) for the selection of non-government organization lead convener/s. The selected CSO lead convener/s should be a key national network that have mechanisms and in a strategic position to convene citizen-constituents and mobilize member networks for substantive inputs to shaping the agenda of the town hall sessions.
  • At the regional level, the regional offices of the DILG, Philippine Information Agency (PIA), and the DBM, shall be the lead conveners from the government. The RWTGs are expected to co-create the townhalls with CSOs from their regions.
  • At the Provincial Level, the Dagyaw PTWG shall be led by the Provincial Government along with partner CSOs from their province.

The National TWG shall be providing process and design templates and references that shall guide the successful conduct of the Dagyaw Virtual Town Hall Session. The Regional TWG and Provincial TWG can adopt or modify the templates provided by the National TWG accordingly, upon its review and in consideration of the local context.


Dagyaw Content Selection and Agenda-Setting

While the agenda of virtual town halls may differ per session, Dagyaw shall always seek to uphold inclusion and protection of dialogue spaces towards political efficacy and co-governance. As such, the Dagyaw TWG shall employ a transparent and well-documented mechanism on how the priority issues per session are selected. As such, the content and agenda-setting activities for the town halls shall be guided by the following process:

  1. To initiate the content selection and agenda setting process of the Dagyaw 2021, the government TWG and selected CSO lead convener/s will hold coordination meetings specifically to co-create a list of topics that will be featured in the Dagyaw Episodes.
  2. The list of potential topics generated by the TWGs should be vetted by the networks of the Lead CSO Convener. The CSO networks should identify which topics they would like to prioritize as Dagyaw Episodes
  3. Once the CSO Networks have submitted the vetted list of topics for the Dagyaw Episodes, the TWG and CSO Lead Convener shall finalize the topics for each Dagyaw Episode.

Following this process, it is suggested that the selection of topic per Dagyaw Episode shall follow the following Content and Agenda Selection Priorities:


Content and Agenda Selection Priorities

National Dagyaw

Episode discussions shall focus on local service delivery and matters related to COVID-19 recovery efforts in reference to the Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs) of the following NGAs1:

  • DSWD
  • DOH 
  • DPWH 
  • DILG 
  • DA 
  • DENR

Regional Dagyaw

DTPs of the key regional line agencies with highlights on local service delivery and local COVID-19 recovery efforts. Selection of sectoral concerns shall be subject to the discussions and agreements among members of the RTWG.

Provincial Dagyaw

DTPs of the Provincial Governments as prepared in support to the. implementation of the EO 138 s. 2021


Dagyaw 2021 Program Flow 

Each town hall shall ensure that the following major elements are present in the agenda/program of each session:

  1. The program should include the discussion on the selected priority topic/s that provides context to the issue/decision/policy.
  2. The panel of discussants should include leaders from both government and non-government sector:
    • The government resource person shall focus on presenting information and data relevant to the topic of the Dagyaw Episode.
    • The Development Sector Resource Person shall focus on providing context from the private sector on the given Dagyaw topic.
    • The CSO Resource Person shall serve as a reactor and provide feedback on the presentations made by the Government and Development Sector Resource Persons. Furthermore, the CSO RP can also provide additional context on the Dagyaw issue from the lens of their constituency/advocacy.

  3. The town hall should be moderated by a neutrally-perceived and capable person from the non-government sector. The moderator may come from the academe, civil society, media, or other organizations considered interested but neutral parties to the issue/policy.
  4. Polls shall be done before, during, and after each Dagyaw session to crowdsource and solicit feedback and gauge the experience of citizen groups and the general public on the Dagyaw topics.
  5. Copies of documents used and presented during the town hall session (e.g. report, Powerpoint presentation, etc) should be made available online before, during and after the session.
  6. Since the town hall sessions are intended for dialogues, the presentation of relevant information should not occupy most of the time allocation. More significant time must be given to the Talakayan/Open Forum proper.
  7. Consideration should also be given to Persons with Disabilities who will be watching the town halls. A Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Interpreter should be made available for each session.
  8. Attendance to the town hall session must be inclusive in all aspects. The Dagyaw 2021 must be open for anyone to come in, listen, speak, and participate. All sessions should be promoted for attendance of all citizens through government and non-government information dissemination channel
  9. A central online platform that can accommodate live questions from the attending public should be made available. Questions submitted through the identified central platform shall be prioritized during the live town hall meetings, but questions coming from other streaming platforms and channels (i.e. Facebook live, Youtube, email, etc) shall be documented.
  10. Below is a provisional program flow which can be adopted/modified by the TWG:



10 minutes

Video Loop (Before Program Proper)

  • OMNIBUS Video of Dagyaw 2021: Virtual Town Hall Sessions with key messages from principals and CSO leaders.
  • Videos from Partner CSO and NGAs showing programs and advocacies  

10 minutes


5 minutes

Welcome Remarks

10 minutes

Overview of the Session and Discussion of House Rules

45 minutes

Context Setting: Town Hall Reports

●       Government Report/Update

●       Think tank/Academe/Development Partner Presentation

●       Non-government Sector Presentation

1 hour

Closing the Feedback Loop: Talakayan / Open Forum

5 minutes

Wrap up & Synthesis

Photo Ops

5 minutes

Closing Remarks


Documentation, Monitoring, and Evaluation

To properly assess the achievement of its objectives and ensure effectiveness of the town hall sessions as a citizen participation platform, the documentation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Dagyaw 2021 shall be guided by the following process: 

Prior to the Town Hall Sessions

  1. The content selection and agenda-setting discussions should be well-documented and made available to the broader public.
  2. While participation in the town hall sessions is open for all, the TWG shall deliberately invite CSOs and other entities (academe and learning and research institutions, media) to participate in serving as resource persons or interested parties in the discussions. The list of all invitees should be documented as well, with further notes if they responded or not (and reasons for a negative response, as applicable). The TWG can opt to post the invitation lists online, as well.
  3. A standard format for the documentation of attendance confirmation is required. The documentation template to be used for all Dagyaw sessions shall be provided by the National TWG. The documentation should reflect attributes such as gender of attendees, position, organization, nature of organization (i.e., including constituency represented), and standard contact details should be collected. The attendance documents may include an option if they want to receive additional information on the town hall sessions (especially for succeeding runs), and how best to send them the information (i.e., SMS or email).

During the Town Hall Sessions

  1. To maximize its potential reach, the TWG shall make use of various online channels and platforms (i.e. Zoom, Facebook live, Youtube, etc) to livestream each town hall session and upload content. Reach analytics (i.e. number of views, comments, reactions, shares, etc) for each channel used shall be documented.
  2. Questions, concerns, and all kinds of feedback received during the program shall be documented. Responses of the resource persons, especially those pertaining to action points that the government or non-government sector resource person would commit to must also be well-documented. In terms of quality, it is recommended that the documentation also seek to capture as much of the original expression of the question/concern and the responses that follow. The documentation of action points from each Dagyaw episode shall also be published online. Follow-up activities to track the progress made on each action item shall also be initiated by the TWG.
  3. At the closing of the session or as a follow-up after the event, participants should be invited to fill out an online survey measuring their satisfaction with the town hall session. It is important that the participants’ responses are anonymous. Non-government sector conveners are best to take the lead on the documentation and evaluation. However, depending on the TWG discussions and resource requirements of the documentation, government conveners can also take the lead in the documentation. The survey should ask for basic profile attributes of the respondents (gender, age, sector, physical/online attendance, et al.), and the following essential questions should be answered:
    1. How satisfied the respondent is about the content of the town hall session
    2. How satisfied the respondent is about the responses of government on the issues and concerns raised during the town hall session
    3. How satisfied the respondent is with the participation of the sectors (civil society/NGOs/POs, media, academe, and other groups) in the town hall session
    4. The question may also include how likely the participant will attend town hall sessions again which can be a proxy measure for political efficacy on the platform

Only participants who will answer the online survey shall be given a certificate of participation by the TWG OR submission of feedback shall be required upon leaving the main town hall online meeting room.

After the Town Hall Sessions

  1. The National TWG shall provide the documentation template to be used for all Dagyaw sessions. The documentation report include the following information:
    1. Documentation of the agenda-setting of the TWG. This should include the data and evidence used to make the decision and an overall narrative note on how the decision was made.
    2. Name the members of the TWG, especially the non-government groups, and how they were selected.
    3. Documentation of the invitations and turn-out for attendance, including resource persons and participants.
    4. Documentation of the outreach strategies and channels used and results to broaden the reach, which includes, for instance, CSOs' efforts, online streaming, media partnerships, among others. This documentation can be a combination of narrative notes, clips, hyperlinks to online posts and news articles, with the corresponding ‘reach’ numbers whenever possible. The designation of appropriate ‘reach’ indicators will be dependent on the platforms used and strategies deployed.
    5. Documentation of session content, including substantive presentations of resource persons, and, more importantly, the dialogue proper (and action points when applicable).
    6. Documentation of the results of the satisfaction surveys, compiling paper surveys (collated during session), and online survey results, including a narrative report on the results and the raw excel file of the survey response coding. 
  2. All documentation reports should be posted online and made available to the public via cloud-sharing platforms (i.e. Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).

1Served as options for selecting priority agencies. Finalization is subject to the discussion with non-government co-lead convenors


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The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international movement for openness established in 2011. The Philippines is one of the eight founding governments of the OGP together with Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.