This platform contains information and updates about the Dagyaw 2021: Open Government Virtual Town Hall Meetings. It also serves as the repository of the consolidated documentation of emerging issues raised by citizens during public dialogues held under the Dagyaw platform, as well as, the responses and status of actions taken by government and other organizations that participated in this initiative.
The Philippines is in the midst major upheavals. The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to ravage the world and threaten lives and livelihood of citizens. The country also faces the ever-present threat posed by natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and typhoons. Meanwhile, in a bid to improve local service delivery, the government is currently in a transition towards greater devolution of services as a result of the Mandanas-Garcia SC Ruling.
With all the flux and uncertainty faced by Filipinos, it is the duty of the Government to keep its citizens informed and updated with the affairs of state. The government should strive to secure the trust of citizens and assure them that their government is doing its best to serve the country. Therefore, it is imperative for programs like the Dagyaw Open Government Town Halls, to continue.
Dagyaw, a Hiligaynon word that directly translates to “togetherness”, provides a venue wherein citizens and their government can come together to engage in discourse. In these Town Halls, citizens can ask questions from the government and provide feedback to public programs and services. Likewise, government agencies benefit from the town hall as it provides them a platform to promote and explain government initiatives as well as get a feel of the pulse of the people on important issues. In the past, the Town Halls have been conducted both at the National and Regional Level.
The Dagyaw Town Halls are also anchored on the mandates of the Participatory Governance Cabinet Cluster (PGC) to (i) promote and ensure the direct participation of various stakeholders in the crafting and formulation of policies and programs to address emergent governance issues and concerns at the grassroots level and; (ii) initiate programs and projects that will facilitate citizen empowerment and participation in governance at the national, regional and local levels. Moreover, the continuing conduct of town hall meetings in the country is a commitment of the Philippine government to the international Open Government Partnership (OGP).
The townhalls are spearheaded by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). It is also supported by the Office of the President (OP); Office of the Cabinet Secretary (OCS) and various national government agencies.
In 2020, the Town Hall went virtual in consideration to the threat posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Furthermore, a co-creation process was implemented wherein Civil Society Organizations were invited to participate in the process of developing Dagyaw from the onset of the preparations up to the conduct and assessment of the townhalls.
The Philippines rated highly in the 2020 COVID-19 Global Scorecard on Accountability which was conducted by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) due in large part to Dagyaw which was cited as an avenue for continuing public dialogues during the COVID crisis on government response policies.
For this year, Dagyaw shall focus on topics and issues surrounding local service delivery, in the context of the COVID-19 Recovery Efforts of the country as well as the changes being implemented under the SC ruling on the Mandanas-Garcia Case. Another key change for this year is the emphasis towards localization of the Town Halls; Provincial Governments shall be encouraged to conduct their own Dagyaw Townhalls with guidance from the Regional TWGs. This is in line with DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-56 wherein all LGUs are enjoined to conduct town hall meetings every quarter, to serve as a platform in informing citizens of the state of local governance in their respective LGUs.
Considering the continuing threat posed by COVID-19, the National Town Halls will still be conducted virtually. Regional and Provincial Town Halls are also recommended to be held virtually, but areas that face minimal threat from COVID-19 will be allowed to hold mixed-townhalls wherein a limited audience may be invited to participate. However, the townhalls should still be broadcast online and/or through other platforms such as radio or television.
In line with the efforts towards the localization of Dagyaw and the ongoing discussions on the topic of Greater Devolution of Government Services, it is proposed that for the Dagyaw 2021 conforms to the overall theme of “Improving Social Accountability in Local Service Delivery”.
The main goal of the DAGYAW 2021 is to build mutual trust between the government and the Filipino people by providing an open, neutral, and protected space for dialogue. It shall co-create and launch the Town Hall Meetings with members of Civil Society Organizations. Specifically, it shall aim to:
- Increase awareness among CSOs on the national and local governments efforts to implement the provisions of EO 138 s. 2021 or the Full Devolution of Certain Functions of the Executive Branch to Local Governments, including the salient features of the Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs); and
- Provide a platform for citizens and government to hold discussions on local service delivery in the context of the COVID-19 Recovery Efforts of the country.
The program shall also make the outputs of these dialogues as key references of government in public decision-making, and in shaping and updating government policies that can lead to better public sector performance and service delivery
It should be stressed that for all the Dagyaw Episodes to be conducted in the National, Regional, and Provincial Level, emphasis should be placed in inviting and engaging citizens. The townhall sessions are envisioned to be a platform for citizens to engage in dialogue with the government, therefore the attendees should predominantly belong from non-government sectors.
Level |
Proposed Number of Episodes |
National Dagyaw |
The National town hall sessions shall be made open to the public. Specific invitations shall be sent to various representatives from civil society organizations, development partners, academe, business groups, public sector unions, people’s organizations, and the media. |
Regional Dagyaw |
For the regional town halls, targeted participants will also include Private Sector Representatives (PSRs) of Regional Development Councils (RDCs), National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) Sectoral Councils, and members of the Local Development Councils (LDCs), academe, business groups, media, and other relevant non-government organizations in the region. |
Provincial Dagyaw |
Similarly, provincial town halls will also invite members of provincial councils, National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) Sectoral Councils, members of the Local Development Councils (LDCs), academe, business groups, media, and other relevant non-government organizations in the provinces. |
Number of Dagyaw Episodes per Level
Level |
Proposed Number of Episodes |
National Dagyaw |
4 National Episodes |
Regional Dagyaw |
1 Per Region (Minimum) |
Provincial Dagyaw |
1 Per Province (Minimum) |
At the National Level, four (4) Dagyaw Episodes are slated to be conducted. For the Regional Dagyaw, a minimum of one (1) Dagyaw Episode will be conducted. Provincial Dagyaw, the Provincial LGUs will be enjoined to conduct one (1) Dagyaw. These episodes are expected to run from September to December 2021.
More episodes can be conducted depending on the agreements reached by the technical working group
Dagyaw: Co-Creation Process
One of the key tenets of Dagyaw is its commitment to follow a Co-Creation Process that involves bringing in relevant stakeholders together to collectively develop and produce mutually shared governance outcome/s from the virtual town hall sessions. From the planning stage up to the rollout of the townhalls, representatives from the non-government sector shall be invited to participate and be an equal partner.
The Dagyaw Technical Working Group
The Dagyaw Technical Working Group (TWG) shall be constituted and designated to steer the direction and overall management, implementation, and evaluation of the Dagyaw 2021 Town Halls. The Dagyaw 2021 TWG shall be composed of representatives from both government and non-government sectors.
- At the national level, the Participatory Governance Cluster of the Cabinet, through the DILG, PCOO, and the DBM, shall be the lead convener from the government. The PGC shall then seek the endorsement of the Philippine Open Government Partnership (PH-OGP) Secretariat and Freedom of Information Program Management Office (FOI-PMO) for the selection of non-government organization lead convener/s. The selected CSO lead convener/s should be a key national network that have mechanisms and in a strategic position to convene citizen-constituents and mobilize member networks for substantive inputs to shaping the agenda of the town hall sessions.
- At the regional level, the regional offices of the DILG, Philippine Information Agency (PIA), and the DBM, shall be the lead conveners from the government. The RWTGs are expected to co-create the townhalls with CSOs from their regions.
- At the Provincial Level, the Dagyaw PTWG shall be led by the Provincial Government along with partner CSOs from their province.
The National TWG shall be providing process and design templates and references that shall guide the successful conduct of the Dagyaw Virtual Town Hall Session. The Regional TWG and Provincial TWG can adopt or modify the templates provided by the National TWG accordingly, upon its review and in consideration of the local context.
Dagyaw Content Selection and Agenda-Setting
While the agenda of virtual town halls may differ per session, Dagyaw shall always seek to uphold inclusion and protection of dialogue spaces towards political efficacy and co-governance. As such, the Dagyaw TWG shall employ a transparent and well-documented mechanism on how the priority issues per session are selected. As such, the content and agenda-setting activities for the town halls shall be guided by the following process:
- To initiate the content selection and agenda setting process of the Dagyaw 2021, the government TWG and selected CSO lead convener/s will hold coordination meetings specifically to co-create a list of topics that will be featured in the Dagyaw Episodes.
- The list of potential topics generated by the TWGs should be vetted by the networks of the Lead CSO Convener. The CSO networks should identify which topics they would like to prioritize as Dagyaw Episodes
- Once the CSO Networks have submitted the vetted list of topics for the Dagyaw Episodes, the TWG and CSO Lead Convener shall finalize the topics for each Dagyaw Episode.
Following this process, it is suggested that the selection of topic per Dagyaw Episode shall follow the following Content and Agenda Selection Priorities:
Level |
Content and Agenda Selection Priorities |
National Dagyaw |
Episode discussions shall focus on local service delivery and matters related to COVID-19 recovery efforts in reference to the Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs) of the following NGAs1:
Regional Dagyaw |
DTPs of the key regional line agencies with highlights on local service delivery and local COVID-19 recovery efforts. Selection of sectoral concerns shall be subject to the discussions and agreements among members of the RTWG. |
Provincial Dagyaw |
DTPs of the Provincial Governments as prepared in support to the. implementation of the EO 138 s. 2021 |
Dagyaw 2021 Program Flow
Each town hall shall ensure that the following major elements are present in the agenda/program of each session:
- The program should include the discussion on the selected priority topic/s that provides context to the issue/decision/policy.
- The panel of discussants should include leaders from both government and non-government sector:
- The government resource person shall focus on presenting information and data relevant to the topic of the Dagyaw Episode.
- The Development Sector Resource Person shall focus on providing context from the private sector on the given Dagyaw topic.
- The CSO Resource Person shall serve as a reactor and provide feedback on the presentations made by the Government and Development Sector Resource Persons. Furthermore, the CSO RP can also provide additional context on the Dagyaw issue from the lens of their constituency/advocacy.
- The town hall should be moderated by a neutrally-perceived and capable person from the non-government sector. The moderator may come from the academe, civil society, media, or other organizations considered interested but neutral parties to the issue/policy.
- Polls shall be done before, during, and after each Dagyaw session to crowdsource and solicit feedback and gauge the experience of citizen groups and the general public on the Dagyaw topics.
- Copies of documents used and presented during the town hall session (e.g. report, Powerpoint presentation, etc) should be made available online before, during and after the session.
- Since the town hall sessions are intended for dialogues, the presentation of relevant information should not occupy most of the time allocation. More significant time must be given to the Talakayan/Open Forum proper.
- Consideration should also be given to Persons with Disabilities who will be watching the town halls. A Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Interpreter should be made available for each session.
- Attendance to the town hall session must be inclusive in all aspects. The Dagyaw 2021 must be open for anyone to come in, listen, speak, and participate. All sessions should be promoted for attendance of all citizens through government and non-government information dissemination channel
- A central online platform that can accommodate live questions from the attending public should be made available. Questions submitted through the identified central platform shall be prioritized during the live town hall meetings, but questions coming from other streaming platforms and channels (i.e. Facebook live, Youtube, email, etc) shall be documented.
- Below is a provisional program flow which can be adopted/modified by the TWG:
10 minutes |
Video Loop (Before Program Proper)
10 minutes |
Preliminaries |
5 minutes |
Welcome Remarks |
10 minutes |
Overview of the Session and Discussion of House Rules |
45 minutes |
Context Setting: Town Hall Reports ● Government Report/Update ● Think tank/Academe/Development Partner Presentation ● Non-government Sector Presentation |
1 hour |
Closing the Feedback Loop: Talakayan / Open Forum |
5 minutes |
Wrap up & Synthesis Photo Ops |
5 minutes |
Closing Remarks |
Documentation, Monitoring, and Evaluation
To properly assess the achievement of its objectives and ensure effectiveness of the town hall sessions as a citizen participation platform, the documentation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Dagyaw 2021 shall be guided by the following process:
Prior to the Town Hall Sessions
- The content selection and agenda-setting discussions should be well-documented and made available to the broader public.
- While participation in the town hall sessions is open for all, the TWG shall deliberately invite CSOs and other entities (academe and learning and research institutions, media) to participate in serving as resource persons or interested parties in the discussions. The list of all invitees should be documented as well, with further notes if they responded or not (and reasons for a negative response, as applicable). The TWG can opt to post the invitation lists online, as well.
- A standard format for the documentation of attendance confirmation is required. The documentation template to be used for all Dagyaw sessions shall be provided by the National TWG. The documentation should reflect attributes such as gender of attendees, position, organization, nature of organization (i.e., including constituency represented), and standard contact details should be collected. The attendance documents may include an option if they want to receive additional information on the town hall sessions (especially for succeeding runs), and how best to send them the information (i.e., SMS or email).
During the Town Hall Sessions
- To maximize its potential reach, the TWG shall make use of various online channels and platforms (i.e. Zoom, Facebook live, Youtube, etc) to livestream each town hall session and upload content. Reach analytics (i.e. number of views, comments, reactions, shares, etc) for each channel used shall be documented.
- Questions, concerns, and all kinds of feedback received during the program shall be documented. Responses of the resource persons, especially those pertaining to action points that the government or non-government sector resource person would commit to must also be well-documented. In terms of quality, it is recommended that the documentation also seek to capture as much of the original expression of the question/concern and the responses that follow. The documentation of action points from each Dagyaw episode shall also be published online. Follow-up activities to track the progress made on each action item shall also be initiated by the TWG.
- At the closing of the session or as a follow-up after the event, participants should be invited to fill out an online survey measuring their satisfaction with the town hall session. It is important that the participants’ responses are anonymous. Non-government sector conveners are best to take the lead on the documentation and evaluation. However, depending on the TWG discussions and resource requirements of the documentation, government conveners can also take the lead in the documentation. The survey should ask for basic profile attributes of the respondents (gender, age, sector, physical/online attendance, et al.), and the following essential questions should be answered:
- How satisfied the respondent is about the content of the town hall session
- How satisfied the respondent is about the responses of government on the issues and concerns raised during the town hall session
- How satisfied the respondent is with the participation of the sectors (civil society/NGOs/POs, media, academe, and other groups) in the town hall session
- The question may also include how likely the participant will attend town hall sessions again which can be a proxy measure for political efficacy on the platform
Only participants who will answer the online survey shall be given a certificate of participation by the TWG OR submission of feedback shall be required upon leaving the main town hall online meeting room.
After the Town Hall Sessions
- The National TWG shall provide the documentation template to be used for all Dagyaw sessions. The documentation report include the following information:
- Documentation of the agenda-setting of the TWG. This should include the data and evidence used to make the decision and an overall narrative note on how the decision was made.
- Name the members of the TWG, especially the non-government groups, and how they were selected.
- Documentation of the invitations and turn-out for attendance, including resource persons and participants.
- Documentation of the outreach strategies and channels used and results to broaden the reach, which includes, for instance, CSOs' efforts, online streaming, media partnerships, among others. This documentation can be a combination of narrative notes, clips, hyperlinks to online posts and news articles, with the corresponding ‘reach’ numbers whenever possible. The designation of appropriate ‘reach’ indicators will be dependent on the platforms used and strategies deployed.
- Documentation of session content, including substantive presentations of resource persons, and, more importantly, the dialogue proper (and action points when applicable).
- Documentation of the results of the satisfaction surveys, compiling paper surveys (collated during session), and online survey results, including a narrative report on the results and the raw excel file of the survey response coding.
- All documentation reports should be posted online and made available to the public via cloud-sharing platforms (i.e. Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).
1Served as options for selecting priority agencies. Finalization is subject to the discussion with non-government co-lead convenors
TWG Members
National TWG
National Tracker
Nasaan na ba tayo?: Usapang Bakuna at Herd Immunity sa COVID-19
DAGYAW 2021: Nasaan na ba tayo?: Usapang Bakuna at Herd Immunity sa COVID-19
October 15, 2021 - 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Role |
Agency/Organization |
Resource Speaker |
Designation |
Town Hall Reporter | Food and Drug Administration (FDA) | Dr. Eric Domingo | Director General |
Panelists | Tuburan for Women Empowerment and Development, Inc. |
Ms. Nancy Estolloso |
Executive Director |
OCTA Research | Dr. Guido David | OCTA Research Fellow | |
Health Promotion Bureau and Disease Prevention and Control Bureau, DOH | Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho | Director | |
Planning, Campaign Management and Technical Team, Vaccination Operations Center | Dr. Catherine Dela Rosa | Head | |
Moderator | Kaabag sa Sugbo Foundation, Inc. | Ms. Catherine Ruiz | Network Coordinator |
Youtube Replay |
Facebook Replay |
Session Design |
Presentation |
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Agency / Organization Concerned |
Questions / Concerns Raised |
Source of Feedback |
Response and / or Action Taken |
Status |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Ano ang tingin ninyong pinakamalaking hadlang sa ating pagsisikap na makamit ang herd immunity? (What do you think is the primary roadblock towards our efforts to reach herd immunity?) |
Poll Question |
[A] – Takot ang mga tao na magpabakuna (Vaccine Hesitancy) – 38% [B] – Namimili ang tao ng vaccine na gusto nila (Vaccine Preference) – 18% [C] – Hindi pantay pantay ang distribusyon ng bakuna sa mga rehiyon, lungsod, at bayan (Vaccine Equity) – 18% [D] – Mababa pa and supply ng bakuna sa bansa (Vaccine Supply) – 26% |
n/a |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Why do we continue to see high numbers of cases? Are we on target, because there is 3-months left to the year and we are hoping to reach 70% community immunity by the end of this year? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Guido David: Hi Good Afternoon. Thank you again for inviting me. Regarding the numbers, we are actually seeing a significant decrease in cases and on the national front, the 7-day average has decreased to less than 10,000 per day that is 7-day average. And just a few weeks ago during the peak of the surge, which occurred; well the single day peak happened on September 11, 2021 we had I think 26,000 record high. But the 7-day average peak was around 21, 000 so from 21,000 we have managed to decreased it to less than 10,000 per day and it's still decreasing the reproduction number in the country just above 0.68 so what's that means is that it still a downward trend and yes cases are still high but it's taking some time per case just to decrease just as what happened last March, April when we had the surge then to the Alpha and the Beta Variant it takes some time several weeks before we were on a downward trend but of course we hope that this downward trend will continue over the next few weeks. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Follow through: What is the situation like in your or in the province of Negros Oriental? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Ms. Nancy Estelloso: Okay it's really nice to hear that there is on a national level a downward trend. But in the province, we are still on a three digit and in the city level two-digit pa rin and just days ago the hospitals here in Dumaguete City declared that we are fully occupied ang mga hospitals and mataas daw yung waiting list. So that's it mataas pa rin. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Follow through: Why do we continue to see high numbers? Are we on track in achieving herd immunity? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Catherine Dela Rosa: Actually, maraming factors bakit maraming lumalabas na iba yung datos natin sa regional level and at the same time sa NCR. First thing and foremost during the time po, I am sure nagkaroon tayo ng matinding prioritization naman din po ng vaccine allocation preferencing the NCR region dahil nga po diba dito yung naging pinakamaraming cases ng COVID-19 during that time. So sa totoo lang ngayon po na dumadami na yung allocation ng vaccines muka naman bumabawi narin sa mga kabihasnan areas like for example in MIMAROPA but I think it's taking time din dahil marami din ang mga naghahanap din ng booster nandyan yung campaign natin to open the doors so like for example in MIMAROPA out of the… I think and pinaka recent natin na number ng allocations is already at 77 million I should stand corrected pero sa ngayon po we have received one percent (1%) and this one percent (1%) ina-allocate pa natin siya n such a way equitably na nakikita natin na kung saan din mataas yung cases ang the surge doon din po tayo nagpro-provide and this is the reason na hindi rin lahat pa nava-vaccinate and this is also the reason na mabagal yung uptake. There is also a factor such as geography dahil MIMAROPA is more of high land municipalities… challenge samin ngayon na talagang ano… although willing yung mga LGUs namin na matutong gumamit ng Pfizer kahit matindi yung cold chain requirement niya pero slowly pero nakikita namin tumataas narin yung vaccination rate and I think ito yung more of the challenge unang-una dahil may limited capacity yung cold change don sa mas malalayong areas. The vaccines arriving on us na dumadaloy palang dahil nga po nagkaroon ng priority dito sa areas na mas maraming cases before and I think next would be probably marami pa rin ayaw mag pa vaccine sa ngayon, although lumiliit yung numbers nila marami pa rin dito kasi kahit na sabihin natin na may SINOVAC and may choices na sila for other vaccines marami pa rin talagang takot sa bakuna. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
On the discussion about target of reaching herd immunity. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Eric Domingo: It has a lot to do with timing din kasi kaya ngayon medyo mataas pa yung cases natin I think has Dr. David said. Talagang nag increase kasi tayo and its also the Delta variant is just so easily transmissible na relatively controlled ang numbers natin until March - April this year. And then nag start mag kick in yan mga June and we have to remember that time talagang konti pa lang ang nababakunahan natin kahit sinasabi ko na mag start mag vaccinate tayo ng March at that time nakukuha naman natin ang deliveries is like 1 million a month diba a few million a month and we were concentrating yan in the big cities. So nung dumating yung Delta Variant mababa parin naman yung coverage ng vaccination and not saying that yung vaccination is the one that stopping the number of cases from still going up with that so many things naman mga tao talaga nag iingat na at saka mga talagang mas takot na plus dumadami yung vaccination talaga ngayon na which I think shows na nakaka-contribute talaga siya dito sa downward trend na nakikita natin specially katulad nga sa sinasabi nila Ms. Nancy kanina na nakita natin sa provinces sa western visayas tumataas pa, sa visayas actually marami pang lugar na tumataas pero doon sa mga lugar sa mga big cities na mataas na yung vaccination rate satin doon pinaka mabilis bumababa yung cases. So, there's hope and now that we have vaccines that are being delivered now daily nakikita ko yung report million million yung dumarating na bakuna talagang wala naman reason na hindi natin ma-distribute yan ng mabilis at magamit mabilis para yung effect niya maramdaman sa buong pilipinas. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Summarized questions from the participants |
Gaano ba katagal ang anti-bodies ng mga bakuna? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Eric Domingo: So, the vaccines that were using now are all new vaccines hindi naman matagal na nagagamit ito kaya as it happens hindi naman natin na mo-monitor yung mga tao kung ano yung antibodies levels nila tapos kung ano yung efficacy rate niya through time at maraming factors na tinitignan of course there is always the possibility that we will need boosters eventually kasi marami namang bakuna na ganun na nagkakaroon tayo ng boosters talaga kaya pagdating ng panahon. Pero sa ngayon current vaccines natin hindi pa naman natin ma-set kung kelan yung time na yon. We don't have that very clear data that would show when the protection will fail. Pero like I said wala namang vaccine kasi talaga na nangako sa atin na 100% protected tayo. From the beginning alam naman natin yon na ang proteksyon niya mataas na yung 94% halimbawa. Wala pong bakunang ganyang kataas ang mga efficacy rate until now with the new vaccines we have now. Talagang kahit po yung mga flu vaccine na ginagamit natin every year mga efficacy rate niyan mga 60-70% rate but it is enough to decrease the number of cases of flu every year and people dying of flu. So ganun din po itong COVID vaccine, talagang meron pa rin pong magkaroon ng COVID. Ang maganda lang talaga pong nababawasan at ang nakita po natin kapag nagkaroon ng COVID hindi siya nagiging co-severe COVID at talagang konting konti nalang yung namamatay from COVID doon sa vaccinated. So yung lang po kaya lagi naming warning please complete your vaccination pero mag-iingat parin po kasi wala pa po talagang 100% na garantisado pero very significant naman yung naibibigay niyang protection sa atin. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Follow through: Building trust in our vaccines. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: So as Dr. Eric has mentioned po na wala naman po talagang 100% protection pero siguro yung isa din pong mahalagang na kailangan natin na tayo ma-reassure ay meron pong mga proseso na naset-up na po para i-make sure na kung meron po tayong naramdaman after po tayo mabakunahan ay meron naman pong sistema to make sure that its properly evaluated at meron pong paraan suportahan tayo ng gobyerno kung meron mang untoward reactions. Also, the other important thing that we need to note is scientist evolving since the start of the pandemic we’ve always talked about this kaya rin po nagbabago po yung mga pronouncements ng DOH at FDA depende po siya sa kung ano yung lumabas na datos. At we don't have the benefit po ng mga sampung taon na pag aralan yung ating mga technologies ngayon kaya naman talagang as the data comes out we are adopting our decisions. So, we hope that the people will understand that dimension and trust po that within the DOH yung decision making process at sa FDA yung health authorities po talagang malaki yung weight na pinu-put namin po sa ebidensiya so kasi yung naman din po yung masasandalan din namin kung bigla kaming tanungin ulit ng citizen bakit ito yung naging decision. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Ano daw ang mga palatandaan or the signs na we breach herd immunity? Tapos combination po ba ito ng data of those who have recovered yung natural immunity na sinasabi natin and those that have immunity through vaccination? And if we target 90% vaccinated of our population can we already ease up quarantine restrictions? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Guido David: So, Thank you for that question. It's a good point herd immunity is a theoretical concept that… you know it's something we see on paper that if we vaccinate a certain number of individuals those vaccinated will essentially protect the unvaccinated from getting infected. That's the idea of herd immunity and in the absence of herd immunity we can vaccinate 100% of the population, if the vaccinated will not be protecting unvaccinated wisely because there are alot of factors that in place here such us vaccine efficacy which varies according to the type of vaccine but 90% is the target because of the Delta Variant. The theoretical value for herd immunity is tied to be the reproduction number of the virus that is transmitting so last year when we just the original Yuhan strain it had the reproduction number 2.5% that means we needed to vaccinate 60% of the population to achieve herd immunity but with the efficacy of the vaccine we may need to up that 60% to a higher number and that's the reason why we Dr. Beverly Ho mentioned that the ties are evolving to our understanding of the viruses also evolving and the data shows that the reproduction number for the Delta Variant is much higher compared original Yuhan strain from says about between 5-8 and that's the number we need to achieve herd immunity wherein people can go about their normal lives. But since we are also going to be assisting the process by still containing to wear face mask and apply the level of health measures, interventions and then even with the lower number which is like 50% which is what we are originally targeting for population protection then we may be able to contain the spread of the virus and prevent outbreaks even without achieving herd immunity by helping out a little with this interventions like I mentioned wearing face mask, social distancing, and limiting congregations but after the number has decreased as we move to lower risk level right now we are moderate risk in NCR and surrounding regions and again I apologized for the other regions we are aware that some regions are still having surge in cases because of the timing but as we move from the higher risk to a lower risk and as we vaccinate more people then it becomes more realistic to ease certain restrictions and this is what we are doing in the NCR to allow more businesses to operate and then we can… it depends once the number of cases are low like for example we achieve 1000 cases per day like what they are saying in the media right now which is the mass of surge a few months ago then we can probably ease more restriction as we vaccinate more people. So, it is still connected to the information that we are seeing on the ground in terms of the number of cases that we are seeing, the hospitalization. So it just is not tied to the level of vaccination but the effect of this vaccination on the ground in terms of reducing the number of cases. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Follow through on herd immunity. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Eric Domingo: I have to agree, ano kasi yan concept yung herd immunity na nadevelop natin ng ating mga epidemiologist. Pero wala naman kasing measure na magsasabi o ayan na nagka-herd immunity na tayo. It's not like its something we can able to declare na one day magkaka-herd immunity na tayo but there are things we know will work that will go there yun nga high vaccination rate for example using vaccine with high efficacy rate kaya lang marami pang ibang factors like yung mga nagkasakit na may natural immunity, may mga tao talaga na immune sila hindi sila nag kasakit, hindi sila nabakunahan pero for some reason talagang hindi silang magkakaroon ng severe COVID-19 hindi natin alam kung bakit. The way that the virus will made hindi natin alam kung ano yung mangyayari doon sa virus kung magiging mahinang virus na ba siya o magkakaroon pa ng malaking virus so lahat naman yan binabantayan natin at the same time but well just have to try to target things that we can target which is one-way sa high vaccination rate pero kung naghihintay tayo na mag-open up na ang economy. Ang bantayan talaga natin yung real world na nangyayari yung nakita na natin na nakakalabas tayo at hindi tayo nagkakandahawa, hindi tayo namamatay diba tapos makikita natin yung mga hospital natin lumuluwag na, nakikita natin na ang mga tao can do regular activities more or less or atleast with some changes in the way we behave, we can do things more openly and then we can open things a little more. So yun yung mas magiging important determinant I would think than vaccination rate hindi naman porket na naka-90% na tayong vaccination rate yung biglang mag-oopen tayo ng lahat. It's really of what we will observe on the ground that will dictate how will go and right now I am being very optimistic I think what's happening on the ground where seemed very clear trends towards some form of control over the infection and hopefully some control to our lives by the next few months. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
How do you see 2022 unfolding for us in terms of help managing the pandemic going back to what they call it normalcy although they were saying that it should be a better normal for all of us? |
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Ms. Nancy Estolloso: Right now, I can only hope that 2022 will be better because there are two (2) things I can see that should be considered. (1) Sana ma-increase yung doses ng vaccines dito because right now there are only 400,000 vaccines delivered to our province and 22% palang out of the 1.3 million na population 22% palang ang navaccinate. I think that's very low pero ang major talaga na problem I think is that according to our community organizers na yung discussion doon 80% yung sa remote areas ayaw talaga magpa-vaccine. I think that's the problem on the ground especially sa remote barangays ayaw mag pa vaccine at yung mga reasons; may apat silang reasons kasi we talked to them and yung reason nila (1) they will have sudden death daw if they will be vaccinated, (2) the body will transform into something, (3) parang magiging zombie daw sila, (4) finally yung influence ng religion kasi sabi nila anti-christ… yung vaccine daw may tatak na 666. You know this is so funny for us but in the barangay and remote barangays ito talaga, ang malaking factor na medyo mababa yung rate ng vaccination even if I think we have vaccines available so ang challenge really is to educate the people in remote barangays. I think also in the cities meron ding ganon but I am speaking sa mga communities’ natin dito sa province. Dr. Catherine Dela Rosa: So I think po Maam to build up trust kailangan talaga yung vaccine kasi yun talaga yung nakikita ko. We have to increase the vaccination for us to see a better 2022 even dito sa mga areas na malalayo we have to be able to provide more access doon sa malalayong areas in such a way na maipaliwanag talaga sa kanila face to face yung value netong vaccination kasi it seems that feeling ko they feel distant from us na tayo nagsasabi na vaccines is good ganyan. Pero marami pa rin sila sigurong nakikita na mga tao na hindi pa nag papa vaccinate and I think the only way to convince this group, this population is to tap their ano… we have to tap their… for examples these groups are coming from ethnic tribe we have to tap the tribes, we have to tap their religious leaders, we have to be able to walk the walk that they walk, we have to be able to sit with them, converse with them para magkaroon talaga ng common understanding para dito sa vaccines kasi minsan baka akala nila lagi nalang din naririnig din naman sa mga radio sa television that the vaccines are safe and where many of the deaths are coming from the unvaccinated iba parin na nakikita tayo visible on the ground. So I think po when we want to have a good coverage for 2022 and we want to achieve some form of normalcy we really have to go down makita talaga natin yung actual situation kasi minsan yung fear of vaccine is a very general term kasi fear parin we have to understand kung gaano kalaki yung fear nila and kung saan nanggagaling yung fear nila and sometimes po pansin natin yan kapag talagang nakakausap natin sila hindi na nila papansinin kung ano man ang maling information na nanggagaling sa facebook so yun po talaga kailangan. Aside from the fact na nagtatago tayo na ayaw natin magpakita sa kanila we still have to tap a key leaders and key people whom they will follow para po magtuloy tuloy yung ating vaccination success. Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: I think syempre Ma'am we all want to be optimistic about next year's diba specially a lot more vaccines are coming in. I think very first of all what we need to appreciate is we are on a stage in our vaccine drive parang phase two (2) na tayo doon sa unang part we were rolling out the vaccines to people who are raising their hands or really they want it diba at ngayon nandoon sa stage ng mas maraming na yung supply gradually but the people we are trying to target now are those on the fence meaning they are considering it but also they are very very prone to the noise and to the misinformation kasi pwede silang mag click to positive or negative then last part na yung huling huling medyo mahirap talaga ma-convince. So dito for this population natin na pwede pong mag clip this middle 30 percents from our data we really know that they cannot be convince nearly by someone external, an expert who they see on TV but its really large day family members are health workers that they know so may intimate trusting relationship sila with this people and this is where becomes important that all us become champions of vaccination kasi the information is out there but for people who forgotten their vaccine than who have seen that it works like ako my Dad was vaccinated and he still got COVID-19 last month. Unfortunately, and that was because really the vaccine was mild and he's almost 80 years old. I think yun yong mga important na very personal stories na kailangan din shine-share sa ibang tao kasi yung very sterile na information na 99% effective etc. so to a certain point it doesn't cut through but then these stories will have to also be appreciated ng kausap mo kung may relationship kayo so I think that would be my first point. Then second, just in terms of how do we see all of these linking with the cases and trends so eventually as you will see in many other countries medyo hindi na rin nila talaga fina-follow yung number of cases as more and more get vaccinated kasi what really just matters…napupuno ba yung facility mo. So dahan dahan we will have to win everyone from waiting for 4 PM for the case bulletin, dahan-dahan dapat mawala na yung habit natin na yon as we vaccinate more people in the last minutes and up. And finally the last point na I wanted to raise regarding this is we need to also appreciate yung factor na kapag sinasabi nating magluluwag tayo or eto yung mga cases, archipelago parin po tayo sa Pilipinas so hindi po tayo isang champ of land na pare pareho tayo lahat ng ginagalawan diba so that means that the cases in the entire country maybe going down; the vaccination rate in a particular areas going up but its really also very very dependent on the local context. So may overall trend tayo sa bansa pero yung laban ay nandoon sa bawat geographic area so hindi pwedeng mag relax yung mga tao dahil mataas yung vaccination rate sa Manila and the same way hindi rin pwedeng maging super strict sa isang lugar dahil in another area iba yung nangyayari so we just need to be very sure na align yung hospitalization, yung cases along side yung vaccination rate in our particular area and that should guide us how well we will be more flexible or still be more conservative. Dr. Eric Domingo: Oo, gusto ko lang magdagdag kasi yung kanina yung binanggit nila Catherine at saka nila Nancy medyo napangiti tayo, yung tao na takot kasi magiging zombie o kaya mamamatay ka daw after 6-months o merong ilalagay sa katawan mo na i-momonitor ka ganyan ano… actually sa atin parang nakakatawa iyon pero doon sa tao hindi talaga nakakatawa iyon, yung fear totoo yon sa kanya real iyon sa kanya and in fact kung pipilitin mo halimbawa isipin mo bakunahan yung tao na meron siya fear na magiging zombie siya or mamamatay siya dalawng taon siyang takot hinihintay nyang mamamatay siya. Kay important talaga pag meron tayong ganito na merong may doubt unang una hindi natin talaga sila dapat tawanan or i-brush aside yung concern nila but we have just to have to explain. Ako ginagawa ko in-explain ko doon sa mga pasyente kong matatanda halimbawa sa probinsya we have to explain in ways na maiintindihan nila na sabihin natin na pareho din naman po yan ng mga bakuna dati na wala pa naman po tayong nakitang zombie diba may nakilala na ba kayong naging zombie na nabakunahan pagkatapos meron ka rin sa chatbox natin yung father daw niya takot mag pa bakuna kasi may nakilala siyang namatay. Nagpabakuna tapos nagkaroon pa rin ng COVID-19 at namatay pag ganoon po ine-explain ko kung ilang naman po ba ang kilala niyong nabakunahan na hindi naman sila nag ka-COVID at hindi sila namatay, ganoon ko ine-explain or ang isang way ng pag explain is that kung naalala mo niyo nung start wala pang vaccine bago pa ang COVID ay talagang pag bukas mo ng facebook araw araw merong nurse na namatay, merong doctor na namatay sa COVID diba araw araw noon ilan silang namatay pero nung nabakunahan na ang mga health workers meron parin nagka-COVID na health workers pero wala ng namamatay so we just have to give concrete examples and address the fear kasi talagang if we brushed aside the fear and say na nako naman hindi dapat kayo maniwala ng ganyang without explaining hindi siya natatanggal and it doesn't help. Talagang tiyaga lang at talagang mahihirapan tayo pero kailangan pa rin nating i-explain. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
What is government doing in terms of educating the public? |
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Dr. Catherine Dela Rosa: Siguro po ito yung tanong kung ano ang mas malala ang infodemic ba, vaccine hesitancy, or yung kakulangan sa supply ng bakuna. I think talagang napakahalaga ng tamang impormasyon dahil yun po talaga yung mag ta-track sa atin na talagang kunin yung ating mga programa at i-embrace siya sa ating mga communities. For now, po what we are doing is that we are conducting numerous town hall meetings that are definitely inclined to the interest ng ating mga population especially those na may pinakamalaking chance for vaccine hesitancy. Would you believe, during the start of our vaccination ang mga pinaka ayaw magpabakuna ay yung mga BHWs namin so sabi ko paano tayo makakakumbinsi ng ating mga population natin pano pa yung mga mangyan nayan paano sila maniniwala kung kayo mismong mga BHW ay ayaw mag pa vaccine. So we designed program for them where in ano po talagang pinulong natin sila, kinausap natin sila, may poll questions din no during the start of the activity. Tumawag tayo ng mga experts and after which hindi parin tayo natapos doon, talagang sinamahan natin sila on the ground level to know ano yung reason talaga why they are having these fears on the vaccines so later on nakikita natin ganon din sa mga senior citizens gumawa din tayo ng particular na activity for them para mapataas natin yung A2 priority group natin kasi yun nga ang nakikita natin na pinaka malaki ang vulnerability against mortality, morbidity, in COVID-19. Aside from the activities po mga town hall meetings, meron din tayong mga partner agencies na talagang sinamahan tayo so kasama na dito would you believe yung POPCOM, DSWD, also the religious sectors so marami tayong mga kinondak na meetings kasi kasama sila na nag-eexplore tayo ng mga avenues kung saan natin mata-tap itong mga vulnerable sectors, who would likely have the chance to get the vaccines? Also I failed to mention the NCIT, the indigenous people group so lagi tayong may meetings with them asking them kamusta na ba yung mga members nyo, ano na bang mga issues nila? as well as yung ating mga agencies din na in terms of partners with health like for example yung DEPED so yan po ang ginagawa natin ngayon we also are involved with the private sectors po kung saan talaga inopen nila yung areas nila for the vaccination so ngayon po ganyan ang ginagawa natin because we want to involve everyone because the COVID-19 pandemic is everyone's concern. Ms. Nancy Estolloso: I really wish what Dr. Dela Rosa said would be the template all over the country wherein yung government talagang pro-active at saka part yung civil society and other groups but in our province hindi ganun parang nasa town centers lang yung information campaign wala talaga yung sa mga remote barangays at doon yung maraming yung population din yung sa mga barangay levels but I understand kasi nga yung sa municipal health offices yung capacity naman nila to go to barangays for example in one municipality merong 50 so meron lang many BHWs and yung assigned nila na catchment area hindi talaga kaya. Tayo naman sa non-government organization we compliment naman the efforts of government and we mainstream integrate COVID information doon sa existing programs and activities natin so nakita natin yung effective way talaga to convince them is yung face to face talking to the people at the barangay levels. Hindi pala effective yung sa radio, sa tv’s, at sa facebook kasi hindi naman si makapag ask ng questions and then may sasagot sa kanila whereas kung face to face sa community organizers natin they can answer, they can respond and yung mga testimonies natin na oh nakavaccine na ako so we can answer the question and yun talaga ang pinaka-effective. Yung isa namang NGO gumawa ng rekorida yun bang may tricycle tas hihinto siya tapos pupunta yung mga ano… so yung mga creative ways ng civil society nang government organizations to compliment the efforts of government pero I think it's not felt good kasi I understand na kulang yung tao ng government to do information massive, information campaign at the barangay level. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
What do you know considering that you also get the polls of the people in terms of trust issues sa mga vaccine natin? |
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Dr. Guido David: Thank you for the question. I am not involved with the local initiatives we look at the data but from the polls we see that some part of the hesitancy still due to the people not being sure the efficacy of the vaccines even though for us who looked at the data this have been fairly well established that its state and the efficacious so these are the things that we need to definitely address when were going to have an information drive. Anecdotally, what I am also hearing positively from many rural areas is that the need probably or they don't feel the urgency to have themselves vaccinated and I know that a lot of provinces right now are still having a delta surge but what we do know is that in the NCR there was significant hesitancy early on but when the delta came about and cause a surge the hesitancy turned into vaccine envy. People wanted to be vaccinated, they were lining up so we did not even have to promote the vaccination and early on there where promotions some LGUs where giving away property, giving away raffle prizes or something which definitely help maybe with vaccine uptake but later on it wasn't necessary and there were rains, and thunderstorms and people are lining up to get themselves vaccinated because the sense of urgency of the delta variant. Unfortunately, not unfortunately but the situation right now is that it’s improving and as the urgency decreases ofcourse we understand that some people may not be feel the urgency to get themselves vaccinated even though its not tied to the urgency but its tied to the entire population needing to get... but I wont say the entire population but the significant portion of the population because the vaccinations will also prevent future outbreaks or future surges in case we don't know if a new variant will come in and right now we are not seeing a new variant concern in the world so definitely the things have to be considered when promoting vaccines and I been hearing that part of the strategy before where was to get celebrities to get vaccinated something like that I don't know, hopefully that would help if they know someone who gets vaccinated usually word of now as well help. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Resource Speaker and Panelists |
Paano natin makukumbinsi ang ating mga kababayan na skeptical sa vaccine? So, it's the other side of the equation of trust. Saan sila pwede makakuha ng reliable information tungkol dito? |
Dr. Catherine Dela Rosa: I think siguro talaga yung vaccine trust is really a wide term pero we have to slowly make a breakdown doon sa mga factors kung bakit nagkakaroon ng vaccine hesitancy and if meron tayo mga ganitong skeptics that are saying that government is using this vaccination to… kumbaga para to get more money or to spend more money para dito sa COVID-19. I think kailangan din talaga tapatan natin sila ng mas masusing datos dahil lumalabas naman talaga kahit anong klase ng bakuna na binibigay sa atin ngayon is equally effective kahit na nakita naman natin yung bars kanina. So aside from that information dissemination talagang the fight comes from the individual level wherein talagang even sa ating mga pamilya nagsisimula tamang information because we all know each and everyone and we all know someone na ayaw mag pa bakuna so yung klase ng initiative plan to convince another person who doesn't believe in the vaccine should be coming from the personal level like nabanggit kanina. So ganon din po siguro no though are agencies are trying their best to stay together in this spite against sa COVID-19 vaccine and we can only do so by being transparent doon sa talagang alam natin na paraan na nakakatulong yung vaccine and this comes from the information dissemination and are frequent face to face activities din po sa mga level pero hindi talaga… nandoon pa rin talaga yung challenge sa lahat ng mga LGUs namin and actually sabi nga ni Maam Nancy sana daw po lahat ng municipalities ganoon yung drive although there are still times talaga na siguro pagod narin yung LGUs and sometimes they are also struck by fear kapag may mga lockdowns kasi sa probinsya ang lockdown hindi lang naman isang corner hindi po ganun talagang lahat sila lockdown tapos wala kang makitang tao so talagang takot na takot sila and I think talagang kailangan ituloy and we really have to convince them to continue to vaccinate po. So, kung meron mga ganitong information na nakakarating sa atin that issue on the vaccine is being… sinesegway siya for other concerns. I think we just have to continue what we are doing in the present on the ground para nakikita talaga tayo ng mga tao. Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: Thank you Ma'am. I just like to add that sometimes kasi we think that maybe people will decide logically but you need to know the facts before you actually make the decision but the reality is motivation is really different. Some people are actually jump yung hindi na nila kailangan maintindihan safety profile etc. But the mere motivation na… I am doing this for my children, my grandparents, and my parents was actually sufficient. So I think it is in that light that we really need to see the complexity ng pagdedecision and that's also where parang hindi siya dichotomy eto mga trust related issues, eto mga fact related issues kasi kung wala yung trust to begin with hindi rin papakinggan yung facts mo di ba so magkaka-relate parin sila lhat and I think yung end point doon sa atin is related also to what Maam Nancy was saying as massive vaccination that we want to do sa mga childhood vaccination na kampanya natin in a year we typically vaccinate around 2-3 million kids only and this once suddenly were vaccinating what 35 times that amount diba. So yung typical nga naming social mobilization per childhood vaccine mahirap na ano pa kaya ito no mas marami kang kailangan i-convince. So it really will fall to everyone all of us will have shared responsibility in making sure that are colleges from bahay natin, barangay natin, workplace natin, school natin kung mga pumapasok na para mag convince kasi wala pong isang agency na makakagawa lahat po non. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Resource Speaker and Panelist |
How do we address the concerns on equitable distribution of vaccines across sectors and sociodemographic groups? But then again there's that figure that came out in the news dito sa central visayas that we have 1.8 million doses that are not moving so how do we look at the issue of equitable distribution but then again, we have vaccines available, which we don't have the demand for. |
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Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: I think we are in a transition stage 1-week or 2-weeks ago ang problema talaga natin walang dumadating and the last two weeks every night merong delivery tayo ng vaccine. So, we have to look at this in the context of stocks or the series of events rather than the snapshot in time I think yun po muna yung una. Second, kailangan samin klaro yung prioritization criteria whatever is most at risk needs to be offered the vaccine at first and that's why apart from the health care workers it really was the senior citizen and people with comorbidities. Unfortunately, for many region hindi po ganoon kadami pa rin yung nababakunahan na senior citizen. This is a very alarming for all of us dahil kahit mabakunahan natin yung mas bata na low risk yung senior citizens at yung may comorbidities sila pa rin po yung mapupunta sa hospital natin so that said we did the prioritization. However, parang may balancing act rin up to a certain point that there was enough time around three months that the vaccines were waiting for approval of our senior citizens and people with comorbidities. We had to open it up to the next step of the risk people so kaya nag bukas tuloy tuloy but if you would look for the examples in other countries talagang halos suyod by decade-by-decade 70-80, 60-70 bago talaga sila nag bukas. Unfortunately, sa atin we didn't have that luxury of time kasi yung pagdating din nung stocks natin ay intricles. Now how do we… How did the government try to justify the deliveries of the vaccines? Alam natin na nagkaroon po ng NCR plus 8-strategy diba and that was partly because of the concerns on economic gains kasi marami pong nawalan ng trabaho in these areas that provide around 70% of our countries GDP mas maagang mabuhay and merong return siya na dapat mas magkakaroon ng maraming trabaho. I think kung titignan nyo kami health lense lang this is not consistent diba kasi sa amin atleast dapat yun yung i-follow kaya lang sinasabi nga natin hole of society, hole of the government yung decision making. May balanse yung health criteria, may balanse yung economic criteria and that's why this happens nauna yung mga siyudad na mabakunahan so punta na tayo sa main question ni Ma’am equity no. So, equity in the view of the people the specific sector or segment and it can also be in the context of geographic equity at alam natin in may areas in the country na hindi syudad we rely on the parang portable freezers hindi po yung high ultra super malamig na freezer in order to store the more expensive vaccines diba like pfizer's yung mga mas sensitive. So ang hirap ngayon when the roll out started syempre mag dedepende yung roll out sa kung saan na may freezer hindi ka naman pwede magpadala ng complicated na vaccine sa lugar na walang any ref or walang kuryente. So may mga ganon tayong considerations at the same time siguro eto yung mas lagin hindi na appreciate kasi mabilis tingnan yung mga makina may freezer ka ba o wala. Take more important natin na kailangan i-take into account yung confidence ng ating local healthcare workers and I think si Maam Cathy will also attest to that. Hindi po ganon kabilis na okay rollout tayo today game isang libo na ka-agad. May time din po yung healthcare worker natin to adapt kaya hindi rin po kadali pag sinabi roll-out na sa kanila so there are things like this that have to be considered in which just means achieving equity or making sure that every step of the way yung vaccination program is equitable is really challenging in our context na varying po yung kapasidad sa buong bansa. Dr. Guido David: That's a fair point and we did make that recommendation early on during the year around January - February. We were having a start of a surge in the NCR pertaining to the Alpha and Beta variant and at that time actually 94% of the cases wherein the NCR+ so the urgency was there to vaccinate, to prioritize vaccination to the NCR+ because 94% of the cases when we have the Alpha and Beta surge of Feb and March we reach 10,000 so cases per day and most of it are in NCR and very little are in the provinces. So what we noted were a few things the basis of the recommendations as pointed out by Dr. Bev, economically 70% of the GDP in the NCR+ and also in the NCR is usually the epicenter of the pandemic. What we mean by that is because of the international ports, airports and seaports in the NCR is usually where people land first and then this will cause an infection and if they are bringing for example virus this may cause an infection in the NCR and it will usually result in waves of infection towards the other provinces so we will think of it us stone you throw in the lake and it drops in the center and it will cause a waves and ripples and those ripples will be infections happening in other provinces. We still think that's the case, right now we are seeing provinces with infections because of this wave that was brought from the NCR but NCR is not the only epicenter there are actually several and these are the major metropolitan areas, regions also one of the epicenters and that's why the prioritizations are actually in these areas that's why the NCR+was defined, we did not define the NCR+8 but having said that of course now that the infections have move to other provinces it also makes sense to vaccinate these other provinces. In fact at some point, I think I heard NCR+8, +10 or NCR+8 +10 +12 meaning that many other HUCs not included in the original list were added and these were given vaccine prioritization but this is a complicated process. Tama is Dr. Bev; it's not just a matter of ordering a large number of vaccines and dumping them to several provinces and hoping that this will be used up. We can argue, say, that NCR is one of the most efficient in terms of the infrastructure in place, having many jabbers, having many vaccination sites. These were the preparations made and that's why the NCR is actually prepared for this. When we are planning 500,000 jobs per day, a significant portion of that would be in the NCR. And the NCR was able to keep up with that based on what we were hearing. Now it may be, I don't have the all information but it's possible that some provinces are finding it difficult to keep up with this phase because of the lack of infrastructures and maybe this is causing some in the news that you mentioned that vaccines were not used up in some provinces and this is aside from what also Dr. Bev also mentioned about the logistics of having cold chain storage in some provinces or to store some of these vaccines in a very very low temperature. Partly due to the infrastructure and of course the vaccine confidence increase significantly in the NCR so these are the considerations but I don't have all the information part of this that we are hearing on the ground from some people. But still we stand by what we originally recommended, our recommendations evolved and science evolved. We should be really prioritizing a lot of these other areas, especially those that are facing challenges in terms of having a delta surge at the moment. Thank you. Ms. Nancy Estolloso: Okay. I don't have access to information on why the distribution is like that but what I know is since the beginning of the vaccination program we just received 400,000 doses and out of 400,000. 297,000 individuals where vaccinated. So that's 22% of the total population, I do not know that we have 300,000 unused doses because so far yung naririnig ko on the ground is that in the City palang Dumaguete City kulang panga so I am not really sure of that. Ms. Nancy Estolloso: In Dumaguete City, hindi ko talaga alam na wala kasi meron talagang in the city compared to the municipality’s mas maraming gusto dito na maka-vaccine compared to the municipalities. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
On booster shots concerns Can you please address the question on this, allowed na ba ito although it would be good for someone FDA also yung commercial availability of this already of our vaccines. |
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Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: First of all, all vaccines are still in the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) so hindi pa po silang ibenta commercially. And second on booster shots, ito yung pinaka discussion ngayon among global expert whether its really a booster shot meaning you take it 6-months after your primary series or its actually a third dose or it is part of your primary series ibig sabihin pwede mo siyang i-take no parang 28 days ba or a month already after your 2nd dose. So, at it is now, what is the decision currently is that we are planning for boosters but particularly for health workers and those who are immuno-compromise. Yun lang naman kasi palang yung lumalabas and then that would include yung mga senior citizens natin. So, it's not that specific so we still trust all the vaccines that have been deployed. We are planning for that and kasi no syempre kahit wala pang solid yung evidence when we are talking about planning next year hindi naman pwedeng bukas lumabas yung ebidensya and the next day may pera na tayo diba so in any case kailangan pong ipagplanuhan yon na nasa budget natin, kung biglang maging desisyon ay hindi kinakailangan and then we don't need to buy it but the money is secured pero kung kakailanganin siya then we are actually ready so for this year likely mahahabol natin before the end of the year. There will be clear guidelines around boosters for the population segments that I've talked about. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Follow through on booster shots Any timeline for the commercial approval that was the next question kasi…may timeline ba? Yung Pfizer kasi… kasi daw si Pfizer may FDA approval na in the US so may timeline ba rin that we are looking at or nag-apply na ba sila for commercial use? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: Dito sa atin hindi pa noh so that's also dependent on the company diba kasi that's simply means no kapag nag apply for commercial use yung current diba under EUA, whatever happens the government will be able to…parang guarantee yon ng gobyerno diba kasi nakaspecial authorization sila but the moment that it is already an EUA it's like any other product in the market, they will be fully responsible for it etc. So, I think they are also taking their time diba to make sure na maayos yung application nila sa US and then they will do so in other countries. Ngayon sure tayo sa Pilipinas hindi pa sila nag apply for a permanent or market authorization. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Best practices or initiatives that we can scale up or replicate to our local governments. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Ms. Nancy Estolloso: Wala talaga parang outstanding no para masasabi natin na best practice. I can only notice that the front liners are really passionate and committed but yung practice talaga. I am not sure, I think it's patterned lang sa kung ano yung protocols na imposed by the government. Dr. Catherine Dela Rosa: Siguro ako nalang po mag sabi non. Actually, I would like to add further dun sa kaninang topic doon sa bulk of vaccines pero later na din siguro. So, I think one of the best practices po na nakita natin in our areas po sympre doon lang din naman nakikita ko is that they are providing both vaccination site na talagang doon sa bayan and they are mobilizing the less demanding COVID-19 vaccines na binabahay-bahay so yun yong two (2) strategies. Another one na nakikita ko is that they have like dito sa Manila po no meron tayo from Taguig na vaccine bus meron naman silang mobile na parang truck na kung saan mobile clinic din siya that is also being used as a mobile vaccination van parang ganyan. Yes, marami din yung rekorida and I think kasi yun yong talagang pinaka-common dahil gusto nila yung nag iingay, gumagawa ng headlines sa mga balita para nga makapag enganyo yung mga magpapa vaccinate aside from that nakita din natin yung mga partnership din doon sa ating mga kailangang i-tap na mga special sectors para atleast makapag pa vaccinate yung mga identified special sectors like the DCIT, the DSWD. The DSWD actually ang ginagawa ng mga nito talagang they go on the ground level and they identified ng mga members ng 4PEACE, yung mga recipient ng senior citizens ng mga cash incentives so they are identified. Hindi naman pinipilit na magpabakuna kasi shotgun approach talaga pero talagang ina-identify nila kung baga hindi talaga tinitigilan hanggang sa maconvince no the safety of vaccines. Another one na maganda din is that itong identified LGUs, si mayor dinilay niya muna… ginawa na niyang maaga yung pamimigay ng kanyang mga incentives for the senior citizens na talagang annually niya binibigay during the christmas season inagahan niya so para mas naengganyo yung mga mag papavaccinenate pero believe it or not meron talagang ayaw parin talaga kahit may kasama ganong incentives. So, I think ano talaga… so far yun yong nakikita natin talagang effort ito pero ngayon I think meron na rin ang Central Office na incentives for the vaccinataed yung with the help of PAGCOR, I think mas alam ni Dr. Bev iyon. This is an advocacy wherein ano po no… kung mas maraming mag papa vaccinate meron din silang parang cash incentives although the details di ko masyadong kabisado. Okay pagdating naman po doon sa bulk ng vaccines na parang natutulog siya doon. I think some of the LGUs din po at this point there is more regular coming vaccines mas marami sila ng bulk silang dumadating ngayon. Medyo nag adjust ng kaunti because syempre itong mga dumadating na vaccines whole readily rely talaga sa mas sophisticated cold chain facilities kaya natatagalan yung pag di-distribute aside from that there could be dose that are waiting for the second dose schedule so iyon po yung isang possibility although syempre hindi natin alam yung mismong instance sa Negros Oriental na issue. So yun lang naman po... Salamat!
Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: Meron po so PAGCOR sponsored our raffle and it's really meant to incentives people who got vaccinated particularly yung mga senior citizens because they get double the number of tickets compared to us non-senior citizens so the draw is actually for the next three (3) months. Meron ngayong October, November and December so halos 3 million po yung total prices. Siguro I think we also want to share that… sa DOH because of the submissions ng ating mga regional offices then we do have a feature of parang best practices ng mga various LGUs kasi its really customized to what is needed sa kanila they got to also share that we really work closely on the national level the church groups, the different church groups so. We also worked with the private sector group yung mga commercial groups ingay-angat bakuna lahat campaigns so yun yong mga nakikita nyo na may mga discount sa mga restaurants and then meron din po tayong particularly to target yung mga people with comorbidities po, we worked with the patient and groups kasi meron na silang sarili-sarili so parang yung mga people undergoing dialysis sila mismo yung nag kokombinsi sa mga ibang mga takot din no na mga kapwa nilang pasyente. There are many examples but I guess the question is scalability diba maam kasi yung scalability also depends on applicability po so yun po. I guess what we need to recognize lang is as we move ahead in the vaccination program we are… parang guma graduate tayo don sa step room ng giving information you know pag na-nudge konting tulak pagsusunod-sunod towards something that really more incentive tapos after netong mga face ng incentive, please expect no na we were really move towards more… what do you think hindi naman sa dis-incentives pero parang really close to mga mandates diba ibig sabihin you can can go to certain places when you're vaccinated so parang it's really a spectrum. Inuubos natin yung lahat ng soft na tulak ganyan and then eventually we really need more people to get vaccinated. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
On updates about the MU variant and the effectivity of the vaccines for two years |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Beverly Lorraine Ho: Currently we just monitor the variant of interest but hindi pa siya something of concern so ngayon si Delta pa rin yung talagang nag ravage sa buong mundo and we felt it naman talaga. Second, sa totoo lang po wala tayong sinasabing hanggang doon lang yung effectivity nung vaccines kasi in fact dati nalalaman natin o 3-years yung effect neto o 5-years kasi antagal nung trial period diba nung time na ine-imbento yung mga bakuna. So tayo ngayon yung longest follow up sa vaccines nato ay actually less than 2-years, so tuloy tuloy lang nag kokolek ng data yung mga companies and that where you know… okay you still have effectivity etc. And also, syempre ngayon lang din naman nakatutok lahat ng tao sa isang sakit kaya din itong nangyayari but hindi mo naman to ginagawa na check ka ng check diba for other types hepa mo etc. otherwise bigla mong mag abroad at ire-require yon. So, I think yung short answer namin don is as of now no one really knows hanggang kailan siya but up until there's real data that tells us o eto lang hanggang ganito lang yung protection time and that's a signal for us… mag boboost na ba tayo, magdadagdag ba tayo ng doses. As of now okay pa tayo sa bakuna. Dr. Guido David: Yeah, just want to add doon sa sinabi ni Dr. Bev about the MU variant. There's actually news today na in the US, I think it was already eradicated yung MU variant so some of these variants come out and were concerned about that even the faith of variant which was homegrown and then we heard about the gamma variant so as Dr.Bev mentioned some of them where just variants of interest not elevated to the variant of concerns and then we monitor them what's happening all over the world but basically what happen to us is that delta variant out competed all the other variants and possibly most of the countries and for that reason because it was a Delta variant that why we are more confident now that we're winning against the Delta variants in many regions in the country and we are optimistic that the other regions are still dealing with the delta variant guildy… you know well be victorious in a few weeks and so. That's why we are confident that the outlook is actually pretty good for the rest of the year and when we look at countries like India and Indonesia, most of them control the delta variant. They didn't have the resurgence and this is actually giving us a lot of optimism moving forward. The waves of surges in the country where triggered by new variants coming in now that we're napsing a new variant yet of concern were actually more optimistic because of that so yun lang naman thank you. Comment from CODE-NGO Iloilo (Mr. Emmanuel Areño): He says in terms of yung best practices, I agree doing face to face community-based education specially to help front lines and trained CSOs in resbakuna situation but very observant in health and safety protocols. They piloted in Iloilo City with a high acceptance rate and reinforces the message people can learn well yung sa community based na approach rather than sa online or social media kasi very limited din yung reach ng social media. |
Concerns addressed during Virtual Dialogue |
We note that the issuance of an Emergency Use Authorization for a vaccine is distinct or unique to the country of manufacture (i.e. Japan-manufactured AstraZeneca’s EUA may be different from the EUA issued to Australian- manufactured doses of AstraZeneca vaccines), may we know, how long is a EUA approval effective? |
Virtual dialogue |
As per Executive Order 121, the validity of an EUA shall extend only during the duration of the declared public health emergency due to COVID-19. Should there be a COVID-19 Vaccine granted with a Full Marketing Approval, the EUA holder shall be given 1 year to exhaust its products. |
Response made through email response by FDA on November 24, 2021. |
2.If we receive a donation from Japan early this year with an issued EUA and receive another batch next year, will the same EUA apply to this recent donation from the same manufacturer? |
Virtual dialogue |
The EUA shall cover all products with the same vaccine specifications and the same manufacturing site. |
Response made through email response by FDA on November 24, 2021. |
‘Pag bakunado na at naging bahagi ng contact tracing, maari na bang paiksiin ang quarantine period? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Pursuant to Inter-agency Task Force (IATF) Resolution 142, fully vaccinated individuals who are close contacts of probable and confirmed COVID-19 cases may undergo a seven (7)-day quarantine period, provided that the individual remains asymptomatic for the duration of the seven-day period with the first day being the date immediately after the last exposure. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals who may be close contacts of suspect, probable, and confirmed COVID-19 cases shall undergo fourteen-day quarantine pursuant to the Department of Health Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-0043 or the “Omnibus Guidelines on the Minimum Public Health Standards for the Safe Reopening of Institutions”. |
Response made through an official letter response made by DOH dated November 18, 2021. |
What are the new guidelines and protocols for Quarantine and Isolation for COVID-19 patients? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Section VI. C.2. Guidelines for Isolation and Quarantine: [b] Isolation of Suspect, Probable, and Confirmed COVID-19 Cases [i]Immediate isolation shall be required for any individual with fever OR at least two (2) or more symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e. cough and cold, or cold and sore throat). [ii] All asymptomatic confirmed cases shall be placed in isolation for a minimum of 10 days from the first viral diagnostic test. All symptomatic suspect, probable, and confirmed cases shall be placed in isolation for a minimum of 10 days from onset of the first symptom, without prejudice to attendance requirements or leaves. Section VI. E.1 Reintegration strategies [b] Suspect, probable or confirmed cases, whether fully vaccinated, unvaccinated, or with incomplete vaccination: [i] For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation have passed from the first viral diagnostic test and remained asymptomatic throughout their infection; [ii] For mild to moderate COVID-19 confirmed cases: Ten (10)-day isolation have passed from onset of the first symptom, respiratory symptoms have improved (cough, shortness of breath), AND have been afebrile for at least 24 hours without use of antipyretic medications; [iii] For severe and critical COVID-19 confirmed cases: Twenty-one (21)-day isolation has passed from onset of the first symptom, respiratory symptoms have improved (cough, shortness of breath) AND have been afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of antipyretic medications; [iv] For immunocompromised: Twenty-one (21)-day isolation has passed from onset of the first symptom, respiratory symptoms have improved (cough, shortness of breath) AND have been afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of antipyretic medications. Do repeat RT-PCR testing. If results turn out positive, refer to an Infectious Disease Specialist. If results turn out negative, discharge from isolation. |
Response made through an official letter response made by DOH dated November 18, 2021. |
We note that the COVID-19 breakthrough infections have been monitored and the data shown a while back were practically from the general community, however, do we also obtain updated data of these breakthrough infections from the LGUs or regional IATF? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Capturing breakthrough infections is to determine real-world vaccine effectiveness. There are various methods in determining vaccine effectiveness based on local data. Currently, various mechanisms are being explored as each method has its own advantages and challenges. At present, we are not receiving data on breakthrough infection from the task forces. Moreso, vaccine data collected through the Case Investigation Form (CIF) are not being ingested in COVIDKAYA since it currently cannot accept vaccine fields due to technical issues experienced by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). |
Response made through an official letter response made by DOH dated November 18, 2021. |
It is about time DILG conducts a massive citizen's satisfaction survey on LGU COVID 19-Response services to determine feedback on reasons about the challenges and provide policy reforms and solutions for better health education and other related services. |
Virtual dialogue |
As chair of the PGC, we highly value endeavors that strengthen consultation mechanisms that help effective implementation of national programs and projects in the local government and grassroots level. We are pleased to inform you that we have noted this feedback and are in the midst of collaborating with external partners on possible avenues to conduct a citizen satisfaction survey on LGU COVID-19 response services. The results of this survey will serve as input in the improvement of our policies and implementation of programs and services We will share the findings once we've conducted the study |
Response made through an official letter from DILG dated November 23, 2021. |
Okay na ba talagang lumabas?: Usapang Citizen Mobility sa COVID-19
DAGYAW 2021: Okay na ba talagang lumabas?: Usapang Citizen Mobility sa COVID-19
November 5, 2021 - 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Role |
Agency/Organization |
Resource Speaker |
Designation |
Town Hall Reporter | Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) | Director Victor Pablo Trinidad | Chief, Metropolitan Public Safety Office and Representative to the IATF, MMDA |
Panelists | Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) |
Atty. Martin Delgra III |
Chairman, LTFRB |
n/a | Dr. Esperanza Cabral | Former Health Secretary | |
Cebu Leads Foundation, Inc. | Mr. Elizar Sabinay, Jr. | Program Coordinator | |
Move as One Transport Coalition | Mr. Kenneth Isaiah Abante | Coordinator | |
Moderator | Kaabag sa Sugbo Foundation, Inc. | Ms. Catherine Ruiz | Network Coordinator |
Youtube Replay |
Facebook Replay |
Session Design |
Presentation |
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Agency / Organization Concerned |
Questions / Concerns Raised |
Source of Feedback |
Response and / or Action Taken |
Status |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Ano sa tingin niyo ang dapat na maging prayoridad ng ating pamahalaan upang mas maging ligtas ang mga commuters at drivers ng mga pampublikong transportation ngayong panahon ng pandemya? |
Poll Question |
ZOOM Participants
[A] – Paglalaan ng kararagdagang PUVs tulad ng bus, jeep, LRT, MRT o PNR (Mass Transportation) – 28% [B] – Mas mahigit na pagpapatupad ng mga guidelines o panuntunan sa commuters at drivers tulad ng maximum passenger capacity sa PUVs, physical distancing, pag disinfect ng mga sasakyan, pagsusuot ng face mask, at iba pa. (Policy implementation) – 51% [C] – Pagpapatupad ng cashless payments tulad ng beep card (Digitalization of Transactions) – 5% [D] – Pagkakaroon at pagpapatibay ng “safe pathways” at pagpapatupad ng active modes of transportation tulad ng paglalakad, paggamit ng bike, scooters at iba pa. (Safe Pathways) – 16% FACEBOOK Participants
[A] – Paglalaan ng kararagdagang PUVs tulad ng bus, jeep, LRT, MRT o PNR (Mass Transportation) – 42% [B] – Mas mahigit na pagpapatupad ng mga guidelines o panuntunan sa commuters at drivers tulad ng maximum passenger capacity sa PUVs, physical distancing, pag disinfect ng mga sasakyan, pagsusuot ng face mask, at iba pa. (Policy implementation) – 33% [C] – Pagpapatupad ng cashless payments tulad ng beep card (Digitalization of Transactions) – 13% [D] – Pagkakaroon at pagpapatibay ng “safe pathways” at pagpapatupad ng active modes of transportation tulad ng paglalakad, paggamit ng bike, scooters at iba pa. (Safe Pathways) – 13% |
n/a |
Dagyaw NTWG |
With the increase of the commuters back in the streets, do we have enough transportation available to meet their needs. We've seen in the post UNDAS that quite a number of our population were stranded so what are we doing to address the gap if there is such a gap? |
Virtual dialogue |
Atty. Martin Delgra III: Okay na pong lumabas pero wag naman po tayong mag kumpyansa kasi we’re still in the midst of a pandemic. Ibig sabihin mag ingat parin tayo maayos at ligtas ang ating our way of doing things specially in having to go out in our comfort zone and I am referring to our respective homes. We feel comfortable and safe with our respective homes but once we get out of our homes please understand that we have responsibility to ourselves as well as the responsibility of our fellow commuters on the road. I would like to start with that kasi nga as mentioned lumuluwag na yung travel restrictions because of the pandemic restrictions will still be placed but slow the restrictions are easing up and therefore public transport not just road base but other modes of transport through air, maritime and the land base public transport should be all govern. But having said that meron paring mga restrictions kung sino yung lalabas. Ibig sabihin po meron paring mga restrictions tungkol sa kung sino ang pwedeng lumabas meron tayong APOR are still there yung Authorized Persons Outside Residence those working specially on essential services as well as our healthcare workers. Also, although minors are allowed they have to be accompanied by their guardians or parents because again not just for road safety or safety on road but also because of the pandemic. Now in so far as having addressed the adequacy of our landbase, I think the focus here is land based public transport. Tuloy tuloy po yung ating pagbubukas ng mga rota at ang ating pag dadagdag ng mga units ng iba't-ibang modes of public transport. Hindi lang po sa kamaynilaan kundi po sa lahat ng rehiyon ng bansa. I like to emphasize that because when we talk about public transportation lalong lalo na sa road based public transport for the information of everybody we tried to categorized that in any of the two (2); Una yung tinatawag na route based public transport kung saan yung mga public transport na may mga rota at doon din sila dadaan sa mga rotang allowed na for which you are allowed to run. Meron din public transport na non-route base, ibig sabihin po walang mga rota and the very popular po yung taxi (TLBS) although hindi saklaw ng DOTr or LTFRB for that matter meron din po yung motorcycle taxi o kaya yung mga tricycle na nasa mga respective LGUs all across the country. Some of these tribes would run on routes but a lot of them don't but they move around in the particular zone for that matter. So yung po when we talk about non-based public transport yung saklaw ng jusridictions ng LTFRB are what we call the four-wheel vehicles and very popular are the buses, PUVs, PUJs both traditional and modern PUJs as well as taxis (TLBS) at yung mga P2P buses po at yung mga provincial buses that move within the region and also across the regions. I would like to also share this that we also don't look at the number of units that are running at the roads or allowed to run for that matter but also how we would maximize the use of this units and perhaps I would like to understand now in a very concrete manner in a context which I can take of from where director Trinidad shared earlier. Let's talk about routes in Metro Manila and particularly EDSA. If you were to recall when the lockdown was declared on March 15 or 16 of last year wala po tayong public transport and it ran until June 1 when we opened up metro manila to public transport but in a very limited planner. During the time we also had the opportunity to look into, as mentioned there was this to address the problem along the EDSA. Anecdotally, as we would say when people would ask us what is the state of our public transport and I would always say exhibit A EDSA so whatever is the condition of EDSA perhaps would in a way reflect the state of our public transport. So ano po nangyari don before we open public transport on June 1 2020. Nakita po natin nag two-thirds of about 4600 city bus units were running along EDSA, ibig sabihin because EDSA is the most profitable as expected the BCH doon nagkompulan yung mga sasakyan na ito and the other areas of metro manila were not served adequately so what we did was; we did what we call bus rationalization station study and I would like to credit in part our work with move as one transport coalition in so far as coming up with this bus rationalization in so far the route bus is concern. So, when we talk about buses route along EDSA meron pong 62 modern less routes. Ang ginawa po namin doon when we open EDSA on June 1, 2020 iisang rota nalang po pero ang ginawa po natin hindi naman ikaw uulat na iisang rota kasi iisang rota nalang talaga intrawise ibig sabihin road network base iisang rota lang talaga ang tumatakbo sa EDSA na yan. Therefore, we need plan and streamline EDSA route so from 3200 units running along EDSA based on our study 550 nalang po ang ina-allow natin sa city bus route so those are among the very fundamental systems that we have reviewed and we need to revise so that maayos yung pagtakbo ng EDSA. Nasabi na din po ni Director Trinidad na intrawise in order to run the routes more effectively and more efficiently wala na po sa bangketa yung mga bus lanes. If you would recall along EDSA two(2)-lanes were allocated for the bus lane ngayon iisa na lang o kahit iisa na lang yung bus lane the buses are running smoothly compared to when they were on the curve side; “nagaagawan” they are competing road space together with other private vehicle not to mention that there are a lot of a corners kung saan labas pasok yung mga sasakyan and that will aculate strict radius travel time of our public transport along EDSA so what we did the Department of Transportation, LTFRB together with our partner government agencies MMDA, and DPWH we make sure that they infra component of the EDSA bus way would be put in place so that the buses will run smoothly. What does that mean in terms of reducing travel time ? meaning (1)we would be able to maximize use of available unit, (2) we would be able to increase ridership because we have reduced travel time, (3) yung turn-around of these buses is even faster and; (4) again anecdotally as mentioned there was a picture of the long cue of people waiting and I have to say that has been a challenge on a daily basis but were addressing that in terms of moving buses. Nung una kasi. I will put it on perspective pagpalagay niyo po yung mga pila po sa daan before June 1 2020 yung pila po is spread out along 26 KM of EDSA minsan mapapansin mo nag kumpol-kumpol yung mga pasahero but waiting dangerously on the first or second lane on EDSA whatever is the case there's a spread all over. Nasabi na po ni Director Trinidad that we have limited the bus stops to 16, strategically located along EDSA so that's one thing we need to understand as well. The other thing I keep emphasizing on our technical team is yung waiting time. There is what you call a headway which actually is the time by which the bus would take from one bus stop to another and that takes normally 1 min, matagal na po yung 2mins specially yung magkalapit na bus stops po and what we need to understand is waiting time. Yung sinasabi po ni Director Trinidad na travel time from Monumento to Roxas or MOA that includes the actual travel time of the bus as well as the waiting time and as well as the headway of these buses along the line and the stopping at bus stops along the road. Yung sa waiting time po we know na may pila, I don't want to justify this but even in the first world countries may pila yon specially during peak hours. What is important to emphasize however is gaano katagal maghintay yung pasahero and that is precisely what we are trying to address. Una, nakita po natin na for light or moderate volume of passengers we are looking at about probably moderately as many as 30-40 or even 50 passengers waiting time is about 2-3mins. I myself would not believe it until I took 1 on my own. Ibig sabihin ng waiting time po maghihintay sa likod sa pinakadulo ng pila hanggang makakasakay ka ng bus and having said that mukhang in terms of having to move people because this is how it is in public transport we need to move people not cars and having to move people we need to move people efficiently so yun po yung sinasabi nating waiting time and that is the crucial part in having to move people.In so far you might be thinking other buses along the EDSA from 92 routes all across Metro Manila ginawa lang po nating 35 routes and we spread the same number of city bus units that were running before pre-COVID-19 period the same number of units because we still need the same number 4600 city bus units to run in the 35 city bus routes. That same principle applies all across the region of the country if I may. Now what are we doing so far in pushing the public transport in these concerns as we have known we have the PUV modernization program. In the interest of time I will just take three (3) out of these ten (10) components modernization programs if I may Cathy? Do we still have time? If I may Cathy just very quickly lang I forgot to mention this. Meron na po tayong nailagay na yung DOTR together with MMDA and DPWH mga bike lanes po to support public active transport in metro manila, metro cebu at saka metro davao and that is what we would like to share because as Cathy mentioned ang audience po natin dito is across the country and because it is so successful it is being patronized by 10 thousand of active transport users. Hindi lang po yung nag-ehersisyo pati nadin po yung nag tatrabaho, all short trips po they take the bike and then now confident to take the bike even on busy streets like EDSA because of the bike lane project. MMDA is part of that project very much and the obviously again our civil society partners are also bid pushing for that and a number of inputs also given by the civil society groups and so will were able to incorporate because it is so successful Cathy, we are now pushing for additional funding para po doon sa ibang urban centers aside from the three (3) phases we have launched on so yung lang siguro for now. Thank you. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Can you share some of the strategies in terms of really responding to the transport needs of wide population group concentrated to highly urbanized setting like metro manila so can you please expound on your bus rationalization study and as something that can also be replicated and can be a model to other urban areas in the country. |
Virtual dialogue |
Mr. Ken Abante: Sa tingin ko po mahalagang i-frame yung problema po ng ating mobility and transport in the proper historical perspective and to be fair po to DOTR, LTFRB and MMDA or other transport agencies. Kahit po bago pa po magpandemya malaki na po talaga yung transport shortage in fact we were able to quantify the number of passenger trips na kulang po at around 2.8 Million daily trips sa greater Manila area yung mga trips po na ito posible po siyang ma-serve ng bus or jeep ng UV, ng bike, ng paglalakad at mahalaga po yung mga tao meron option ng kung paano po sila gagalaw mula sa point A papuntang point B at yung po yung pinakamahalagang concept. Currently there is a shortage it was made worse by the pandemic at nasabi narin po natin kanina na there was a survey by social weather station na around 72% of adults with a “na hindi kayang mag work from home” said that going to work has become much harder or very much harder vs the pre-pandemic period. Kaya po actually yung nangyari po yung pandemya talagang nakipag ugnayan po kami sa DOTR, kay Chair Delgra, kay Secretary Tugade at sa MMDA din po at sa ating mga civil society reps kasama din po si Sir Elizar dito po na bigyan po talagang pansing yung strategy para sa active travel transport at service contracting at just transition para sa ating transport workers so in this first intervention I want to discuss a little bit more about these. Tulad nga po ng sinabi ni Chair its because of these collaborations with the government that we will be able to push 49 plus kilometers of protected by claim networks. This is a historic moment, something that everyone should be commended for. Sa tingin po natin napakahalaga ng partnership na ito sa pag improve nang by claim infrastructure dahil more than 90% po ng filipino wala naman pong kotse sa buong Pilipinas. This is one way to make our economic recovery more equitable at yon po yung unang part. Kaya lang po sa national expenditure program zero pa yung budget sa active transport at kahit doon po sa kaka-pasa palang sa kamara na General Appropriation Act Bill. Katuwang niyo po kami sa pag-push ng budget na iyan sa kamara at senado. Sana po ma-improve at ma-upgrade yung bayanihan networks sa Manila, Cebu at Davao at kundi sa buong Pilipinas. At inaanyayahan po natin ang lahat ng nandito para makasama at patuloy po nating ipaglaban ang active transport. Pangalawa pong program is service contracting at ito po ay isang programa na itinulak po natin kasama nila Chair last year and this is something really that we should commend chair and secretary Art. Ito po ay ang pagbabago ng current na sistema sa transportation kung saan ito po yung current boundary system na karamihan po sa transport workers na kasama po natin, kahit 24 hours po silang pumasada halos minimum wage lang yung kinikita at ang iba pa po nga ay less. Yun po yung mga experiences ng mga transport worker representatives. Yung ginagawa po ng isang kontrata “service contract” ay ginagawang mas regular per kilometer basis yung bayad sa ating mga transport workers at sa bayanihan 2 and the 2021 budget nakapag-push po tayo ng around 8 Billion pesos worth service contracting budget. Unfortunately, we understand na may birth pains din po iyong programa na ganito kalaki at around 3 Billion pesos ay unfortunately expired in the Bayanihan 2 at may current nga pong issues na 3-4 months delayed yung payment natin sa ibang transport workers. Hopefully it will be addressed with better coordination with our transport workers union. Sa NEP, I think na slashed din po yung budget na iyon and in the NEP zero yung budget for service contracting budget next year and in the general appropriation bill inakyat siya sa 6 Billion Pesos. We want that budget to increase pa sa senate. Sana po ay patuloy na ipush din yung service contracting program. As an improvement po at dinudulog din po natin ito sa mga government representatives sa tingin po namin kailangan po magkaroon ng shift yung program implementation or strategies in service contracting where hindi individual drivers yung focus kundi transport associations and cooperatives. Yung pangalawang shifts na mahalaga ay magkaroon ng shift like doing it everywhere all at once to having specific route that we really want to change. Para maramdaman ng commuter yung talagang pagbabago doon sa area. Halimbawa may isang jeepney route dapat karamihan or lahat ng jeep sa rotang iyon ay ma-engage under service contract at mararamdaman kaagad ng mga commuter yung pagbabago at yoon po sana yung posible nating makipag-collaborate sa DOTR at sa mga susunod na iterations ng service contract. At yung pangatlong feedback dito sa service contracting program, gusto po sana nating linawin na yung service contracting po ay hindi libreng sakay. Ibang konsepto po yung libreng sakay. Service contracting aims to increase transport supply by improving the way that we pay our transport workers. At ang pangatlo po ay ang PUV modernization program, dinudulog po sana ng ating transport workers community ay i-akyat po ang equity subsidy ng pag transition. Marami po sa transport workers ay gusto naman talaga na mas makahinga ng mas malinis na hangin at hindi mausok. Ine-rerequest lang po sana ma-increase yung equity subsidy from current 160 thousand pesos kada jeep sa pag-upgrade papunta sa 500 thousand, yun po yung tinatawag nilang just transition. Kasi kung 600 thousand ma-exclude halos karamihan ng mga transport workers sa current programa at dahil din nga po na-slashed yung budget sa PUV modernization maraming nagsasabi na yung pakiramdam parang baka phase out pero hindi nga naman iyon ang intensio nung programa. At naniniwala naman kami kayang magkaroon ng collaboration para ma-improve po yung programa, yung just transition po ay isa sa mga pinakamahalagang programa at sana po ay patuloy nating maitulak ng sabay sabay at ayon nga po sa aming logo ay move as one tayong lahat. Sa pang huli, ang transport supply ay napakahalaga. Nung nag survey po kami sa mga transport cooperatives namin na ka-organize, hindi pa po lahat ng PUVs ay authorized at the moment so marami rin pong nagtutulak sana na mas maitaas pa yung authorize ng LTFRB na units pero sa ibang transport cooperatives hindi pa sapat na maitaas lang at kailangan po talaga sana na may service contract. Yung iba kahit na allowed halos 62 % or 73 % ng mga units sa ibang cooperatives hindi na po bumabyahe kasi palugi na nga po. So mahalaga yung service contract para rito. Nagpapasalamat po kami sa collaboration with our government representatives without which hindi rin po talaga maitutulak ang mga mahahalagang programa sa active transport service contracting at sana po sa hinaharap ay yung just transition para sa transport workers. Maraming Salamat po! |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Pero just o wrap-up this segment of our conversation I would like to ask Sir Elizar na mention na rin that you are part of this nationwide network and I've seen how we were able to also do something here in Cebu City but since Cebu leads also doing advocacy work at the metro level trying to weave together the mega cebu first of all but How are we here dito sa ibang panig ng bansa “the middle of the Philippines”? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Elizar Sabinay Jr.: Thank you Ma'am Cathy and also good afternoon for everybody. Thank you, Ken, and Chair it's good to see you again. Our fellow bisaya from metro cebu also. Just an update for everybody. Just say a figure pre-pandemic time, there is only one problem in terms of public transportation here in Cebu. It was mentioned in 2019 on the Japan international cooperation agency na kulang talaga yung public transportation pre-pandemic palang and because of this pandemic it worsened. I myself as a public commuter until now, I had experienced it. Aside from what Mr. Ken mentioned, also the financial effect on the individual level. Before the pre-pandemic, traveling cost me 60 pesos back and forth but right now it costs me around 120 to 150 pesos back and forth. It's okay sana if I have a salary increase but since it's not. It's the same so the burden is much more and the waiting time is too long, if I can say during the height of the pandemic it took me an 1 hour and 30 mins just to make for public transportation and right now it somewhat short but still 20 mins or 30mins I can tell you guys that is still too long and that's the situation in metro cebu. I've been frequently travelling north and south as far as the city. Metro Cebu is composed of 13 cities and municipalities here in Cebu. We are the second largest seismic metropolitan area in metro cebu. Right now, the case of public transportation is really in its worst scenario with some innovation, interventions and some recommendations were present but still we are on a surviving stage. Kulang pa rin yung public transportation available but we recommended to the cebu city government open and have the traditional PUJs restricted jeepneys to travel again and that time the cebu city government has allowed to open and we call it the Balik Pasada Program Jeepney Taskforce, I myself was a part of the technical working group and the problem here is that okay na sana but in terms of the application the third application output let's say out of 100 applicants only 30 passed and there are alot of reasons and majority of the reasons is that (1) they did not pass the road worthiness test, (2) most of the jeepney drivers have another work. Again, this is one of the neglected sectors here in metro cebu, I believe in metro manila they're very organized but here in metro cebu sometimes we forgot that the transportation sectors are supposed to be backbone of the development of metro cebu but sometimes were frequently neglected and that's where we feel it now. The value of progressing the metro cebu and if we doubt sufficient and even cheap public transportation magkaka problema talaga tayo and it affects not just the drivers and even their family but also the commuters “the cebuano themselves” and were thankful for the LTFRB because of the “libreng sakay” and hopefully we can push with whole. Right now, there is libreng sakay for modernized jeepneys PUVM here in cebu because it is also existing here but hopefully we can also include the traditional PUJ in the service contracting program here in cebu because these guys we call them “king of the roads” are the ones suffering last year and even this year. If they can also be availed and if they can also be allowed the service contracting program hopefully next year kasi wala ng bayanihan 2 budget but if they can avail on the service contracting from LTFRB the better because we need to help these guys and to tell you right now cebuano still trusts jeepneys. We still ride jeepneys because it's what we are comfortable at and we are still on the adjusting stage like (i) riding modernized jeepneys, (ii) we are very thankful to the DOTR, LTFRB, DPWH, for the metro Cebu bike lane network, we have worked with Lapu-lapu City, Mandaue City, and Cebu City. The value of interconnectivity, we connect bike lanes because in terms of data there are around 4200 trips going to Cebu City alone and majority in metro cebu 60% of metro cebu public commuters are going to Cebu City so the value of connectivity connecting one city to the other going to the center chord and the destination which Cebu City is really important and were very thankful that DPWH and DOTR look at the same weight. They have done a lot of bike lanes connecting these cities and right now Cebu city is doing a baseline study we’re doing pedestrians and bicycle count just to make sure that the bike lane we are doing right now is really utilized, I think that's the most important and is not limited on painting alone, having a separate bike lane and is also the utilization of it and listening to the data we have. And also, they are doing a monthly consultation with different bike groups to make sure the bike lane implemented in Cebu City is really what they need. Kasi right now based on what we see on the data that we have but we are doing a baselining information by Cebu City to the Cebu bike lane work so we can evaluate it properly in the most quantitative and qualitative manner and that's how we promote mobility right now in Cebu. We encourage people to actively travel by biking. We see the increase in the first part of the data gathering of the pedestrian on cycling count there is a 200 or 300 % increase of bikers on a daily basis specially on the peak hour in the morning and in the afternoon and the data is really an eye opener and that would be a good evaluation for us to recommend further to DPWH and DOTR to expand the budget for active mobility to support more bike lanes in Metro Cebu. Rightnow we have three (3) existing cities benefiting from it but please include other cities in the Metro Cebu because then again there is a study in the Ayala Property Management that most of the employees here particularly IT BPO are living not in the City but they live as far the city in the south so hopefully we can propose this that other LGU in the Metro Cebu to include it terms of providing safe and effective bike lane. That is so far the update here in the outside NCR and outside Metro Manila and hopefully they can also look at us an important Metropolitan not just limited to Metro Manila and would like to thank specially Chairman Delgra for allowing us to coordinate with them three times to four times already and telling to us a story how to really promote Cebu and also would like to thank DPWH and DOTR to really supporting this aspiration in terms of promoting active mobility. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Ms. Riz Comia: Video Questions |
1. Paano po natin mapalalawak at mapapaganda ang ating mga sidewalk para komportable itong malakaran at magamit ng mga tao lalo na ng mga bata, nakatatanda, may kapansanan na naka-wheelchair o buntis?? Kasi masikip, bato-bato, puno ng poste yung mga side-walk minsan wala talaga kaya sa kalsada or gutter nalang naglalakad.
2. Paano po natin magagawang ligtas at inclusive ang pag tawid sa kalsada yung hindi na po kailangan umakyat sa napaka tarik na overpass at hindi narin makipag-patintero sa mga sasakyan o truck para lang makatawid??
3. Paano po natin magagawang mas reliable ang pampublikong transportation?? Kasi lagi nalang po napakahaba ng pila sa sakayan at napakatagal bago makasakay at makarating sa pupuntahan, tuwing pupunta nga po ako sa school para mag-trabaho, sa ospital para mag paycheck-up kailangan 3-hours early po ako gumayak para ma-siguradong makakarating ako.
4. Paano po natin magagawang ligtas ang public transportation?? Kasi kahit may COVID pa madalas siksikan pa rin sa mga Jeep, sabi ng mga nakakausap kong mga driver nag aagawan sila ng mga pasahero kasi nakasalalay padin sa dami ng pasahero yung kita nila.
5. Paano po natin magagawang mas accessible ang mga open at green space at mga parke sa lahat ng mga tao?? Mahalaga po kasi iyon sa kalusugan natin, i-ilan na lang nga po ang mga parke sa QC napakahirap pang puntahan. Para makarating sa QC Circle halimbawa sasakay sa jeep, bababa sa underpass, tatawid at aahon pa. Kaya kahit po bilin pa ng doctor dalhin sa parke yung lola ko hindi naman namin magawa dahil hindi inclusive yung mga daan para sa mga nakakatanda at naka-wheelchair. |
Video Message |
Dr. Esperanza Cabral: Thank you very much Cathy for the questions that you raised. Those are really very important points that were raised but I don't know that I am the one to answer them because this requires infrastructure and more than anything else. So I agreed that the sidewalks need to be made safer and more inclusive lalong lalo na sa mga differently abled kababayans yung mga hindi masyadong makalakad, yung medyo may edad na o masyadong bata na nangangailangan na ng ligtas na pag lalakaran nila so hindi lamang iyon dahil sa dami ng mga vehicles na dumadaan, masyado na din ang polutions sa ating air kaya maski gusto mo mag lakad hindi mo alam kung mas mahusay bang maglakad kesa sa sumakay dahil doon sa hini-hinga mo na puro polluted na air. Talagang kaming doctors sasabihin namin maglakad kayo importante na naglalakad tayo at ito ay mahusay na execise pero sabi nila saan kami maglalakad doon ba kami maglalakad sa kalyeng nalalanghap namin na hangin ay mabaho at punong puno ng mga chemicals na pollutant na magbibigay sa amin ng bronchitis at asmah o hindi na lang kami lalabas ng bahay at di na lang kami maglalakad dahil magkakasakit pa kami pag naglakad kami. Parang hindi ako makakasagot ng mga nito kundi ang mga pamahalaan natin na siyang dapat na magtayo ng mga infrastructure para ang ating mamamayan ay ligtas na makalakad at makatawid ng kalye, kailangan nilang hindi pumila dahil sapat ang ating transportation, maraming jeepney o bus o iba pang uri ng public transportation, hindi masisikip at maraming green spaces na silay may mapupuntahan para makahinga sila ng tama. Palagay ko yon ang aking contribution ngayong hapon na ito. Dr. Esperanza Cabral: I think that we should keep in mind that the corona virus is still here, even though the cases come down in the market the virus is still there. If you are not vaccinated and you go to congested places or you ride public transportation that is congested or you go to enclosed spaces your risk for getting the COVID-19 illness is higher than not. Kailangan tandaan natin miski na nakikita na binababa na yung mga alert levels tayo pa rin on our own ay dapat mag practice ng mga minimum public health standard na sinasabi sa atin para ma lessen ang risk hindi na kasi tayo pwedeng manatili na sarado ang ekonomiya kasi marami na masyado ang walang trabaho at marami ang nagugutom at kailangan na tayong pumasok sa ating trabaho para tayo ay kumita ng konting pera para sa ating pamilya. Sa paggawa nito syempre ang pamahalaan binubuksan ang public transportation na isa sa pinaka naging hadlang sa pagbubukas ng ekonomiya so kailangan na talaga nilang buksan at kailangan na tayong gumagmit ng public transportation kahit tayo ay nangangamba pa at kahit tayo alam natin na merong panganib ay kailangan na nating gawin ito. Para ma-lessen yung panganib kailangan sundin natin yung mga sinasabing minimum public health standards at mag suot tayo ng mask at hindi lang sasabihin na magsusuot tayo ng mask, kailangan mag susuot tayo ng mask consistently and correctly. Hindi pwede na yung mask natin ay nakatakip lang sa ating baba at hindi lang naman sa ating ilong at sa ating bibig. Tayo ay kung ansa enclosed spaces with special risk like hospitals mag suot parin ng faceshield at hindi gagamitin na sombrero yung faceshield kung hindi ay ilalagay talaga sa mukha. Tayo ay dapat gumagamit ng hand sanitizer para malinis ang kamay natin, wag nating hahawakan yung ating mukha lalo na yung ating mata at saka ilong. Dapat ay mag observe ng physical distancing at kung hindi naman ay talagang wag na mag salita, wag nang kakain sa harap ng maraming ibang tao. Lahat ng ito ay kailangan nating gawin para ma-lessen ang risk natin na mag contract ng COVID-19 dahil ang coronavirus ay nandyan pa rin. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
I would like to ask Director Trinidad to maybe also address yung concerts because it very important and I think even the advocacies of move as one transport coalition and Cebu Leads has a lot to do with our roads and other physical infrastructure to make possible safewalk ways more visible crossing and crosswalks and even mass transportation. Would you care to add your perspective to these? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Director Victor Pablo Trinidad: Thank you Cathy. The question a while ago is that ano na yung percentage of public transport. Last week the DOTR submitted to the IATF their study on how to safely increase the maximum capacity of public transport so they were allowed after consultation with DOH experts to have 70% transportation capacity and the plastic barriers are also removed based on their study and recommendations so that was the effect of the study of DOTR. On the issue of sidewalks, that is our mandate in the NCR to clear up the sidewalks and also now the bike lanes because we find a lot of violations there and with respect to the bike lanes being encroached by private cars and motorcycles, our enforcers are the ones enforcing the role in that issue. With respect to the safe transport of people from the sidewalk to the other side “footbridges'', as I said before the elevator design is already in our infrastructure but we have no funds to procure them and maintain them and secure them so we are asking the DBM to hear the side with Persons with disability (PWD) and senior citizens and pregnant women in order to make this accessible to our commuters. Lastly on the issue of pocket green parks, the Chairman Abalos has already approved around 12 pocket gardens along EDSA and Metro Manila and we are now in the process of procuring plans and landscape for those pocket gardens. We will report them as soon as we are able to finish the contract. Thank you, Cathy. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
I think earlier we mentioned something about digitalization of transactions. I know Mr. Eli that was part of the proposal here in Metro Cebu in terms of lessening the contact “person to person” exchanges so where are we in that aspect. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Elizar Sabinay Jr: Good pa siya Ma'am Cathy as far as we can do is really as a non-government organization we are continuously pushing for that initiative kasi right now it's still the same, the traditional way of paying fare but there are some other jeepneys and modernized jeepneys were now using cashless payments but right now as of the moment majority of the public transportation are really using the traditional way of paying the fare. But we’re pushing for it together with the city and other cities and also to the transport cooperatives because most of these cashless fares have really pushed by the government but they're their own initiative to really promoting digitalization and how to advance cashless fare within their units that we mention the people’s jeep and even the Beep bus here existing in Cebu City and using it already even the card of people’s jeep. That is one of the initiatives done right now but is not that major. We are still in that area of pushing it forward and I would also like to answer Ms Cathy if that's okay with the question raised. Actually, what we forgot and I think its time to re-learn that walking is the cheapest mobility, we can get to places by just walking. Just to tell you and update everybody the Cebu City government to the Cebu bike lane network is doing pedestrian counts because we are looking at what areas that need to be developed and what areas that need to do particularly the sidewalk not just for the ordinary citizen but also most importantly the vulnerable sector based on the question raised and because we don't have yet that data so it was a good win for the Cebu Leads foundation that we are able to convince the city government to push with the pedestrian count to crucial sidewalks in Cebu City particularly the historic district because that's where most people go and we compare the pre pandemic data based on the UP planades and the current data we have and to tell you the number of pedestrian doubled this time so that's how valuable the pedestrian is and particularly to the vulnerable sector and I believe moving this forward will present it to the council for further development of the sidewalk making it safe because that's the number one concern based on the UP planades study, that's the number one concern of the pedestrian is not safe and is not secured so we want to address it by having this recommendation supported and backed up of this pedestrian count that we did together with the Cebu Bike lane network. Hopefully that will shape how we look on the sidewalk, again walking is also mobility when we want to go somewhere walking without cause and physically it will promote the environment population. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Video Question from Mark |
Ako si Mark, taga Bulacan araw-araw pumapasok sa Makati. Madalas Bus, Jeep, at MRT ang aking sinasakyan. Paano napaghandaan ang pag-commute nitong pandemic? Ano ano ang pagsubok na naranasan ng taong bayan? How do we ensure safety on riding public because it was mentioned by Sir Elizar a lot of our commuting public really do bike to work so how do we ensure their safety that the road being shared is primarily first for them and maybe Atty Delgra and Atty Trinidad may give their inputs here. Second, on the concerns of payment for service contracting program and I would like also to get the thoughts of Mr. Ken Abante and Mr. Elizar on this. |
Video Message, Virtual Dialogue and Facebook Comments |
Atty Martin Delgra III: Pwede niyo pong umpisahan yung huling topic regarding service contracting that was mentioned about payment issues. Tama po si Mr. Ken. There are actually two service contracting programs, one is currently being implemented which is 3 Billion from the General Appropriations Act currently under the GAA of 2021 and the first was the service contracting program under Bayanihan 2 Recover as one act. As mentioned by Mr. Ken has to be focused efficiency on public transport rather than on beneficiaries meaning specifically drivers we have to work within the law in so far in the bayanihan 2 concern because it is very specific under the bayanihan 2 act is that the beneficiary of the service contracting program are the drivers as mentioned in the law, 3 Billion out of the 5.58 Billion has to be allocated for drivers specificallyPUJ drivers the rest for other modes of public transport. Doon po kami nag isip kung paano namin papatakbuhin yung service contracting program doon sa 2.58 Billion kaya napaisip kami that if we are to really seriesly implement service contracting program as a means of racing efficiency on our public transport then we need to focus on the one running the operation of the public transport not just a unit because when you ran buses modern jeepney is a whole gamut of operation from drivers train to selection as well as deployment of unit and including specially the time of pre pandemic preparing the units to be safe for the commuters to ride on meaning regular disinfections, meron pa ngang AFCS kung doon sa mga sinabi ni Mr. Eli na automatic fare collection specially sa mga modern jeepneys na kakayanin so yun po ang nakita namin na ipush yung efficiency because the essence of service contracting is really to raise the level of confidence on the operators to run their units more efficiently notwithstanding the constraints of a limited capacity or even of traffic or even of other means by which people would think restrict their method operating public transport. The point here is if we’re going to raise that level of confidence then we raise the level of efficiency. For example there is a mention of PUJs yung PUJ kasi for a long long time if I may since the end of world war 2 and the invention of the PUJ from the surplus army jeep that were left after world war 2. Doon po nag umpisa yung PUJ as a mode of public transport, doon din po nag umpisa yung boundary system that as well all know now is very inefficient and is not beneficial to drivers. Tatakbo sila ng 14-15 hours is unsafe in fact, but at the same time for the drivers to run more than long hours of work it will be also unfair to them but under the modernization program when there is an aspect of lift management as well as consolidating this franchise. Mawawala na po yung boundary system, yung boundary system kasi if I may just explain very briefly yung driver po nagiging de facto owner ng vehicle at kukunin na lang nila yung sasakyan pabalik doon sa operator na may prangkisa for example a jeep papatakbuhin niya whenever he wants it para lang kikita siya at the end of the day ibabalik yung unit doon sa operator at babayaran yung boundary. Boundary is simple the rent of the vehicle for the day but that is not the way we want it kasi kung tatakbo siya gn 12 -14 hours by 6 or perhaps 7 o'clock of the evening let's not blame him kung pagod na siya at may pera na siya paguwi sa bahay at may pambayad na ng boundary at aalis an siya sa daan but you know what 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening is still peak hours ibig sabihin we’re not addressing the demands of public transport if we continued to carry this practice what we called boundaries system that is why we really need to modernized our public transport system. We just don't look just modernization kung may bago at modernong unit, kung may makikita po kayong bago at modernong PUJs or Buses po that is the result of a number of things in having to address the gamut of understanding public transport. Unang una yung consolidation ng prangkisa, yung prangkisa kasi sa PUJ. That's the result of the number of things in having to address the public transport. You are inviting what we call street competition nagaagawan ng pasahero sa daan but if you're going to consolidate franchises for example for a particular route then only one consolidated entity. Those who independently run their franchise come together in a transport co-opt and run that route efficiently. Hindi na sila mag aagawan kasi iisa na lang yung co-opt na magpapatakbo ng rota na iyon and obviously as you upgrade the unit to a more modern and compliant with all the benefits of modernity including CCTV and GPS meron na din kasamang cashless payments. May nasabi narin si Eli na ibang modern jeepneys sa Cebu, meron na pong cashless. We are actually mandating that in our modernization program and if I may put that also in context in so far as LTFRB concern for the benefit of everybody. Traditionally kasi yung LTFRB for a long long time is a regulatory body ibig sabihin tinitignan ng kung sino yung mag apply ng prangkisa, may kakayahan bang magpatakbo ng pampublikong sasakyan at yung tamang sukat na unit na papatakbuhin sa ruta na inaplayan niya. Sa ngayon we go simply beyond the regulatory function of the LTFRB, we implement projects and having to monitor that as well. Ang latest project po natin dito is yung tinatawag na central public utility vehicle monitoring system, naitalaga na po natin sa opisina ng LTFRB central office CPUVMS kung saan mamomonitor na po natin yung mga pampublikong sasakyan. Unang una nakikita po natin yung mga bus sa EDSA on screen real time, nakikita natin yung dual time nila kung tatagal ba sila sa bus stop, kung over spedding ba sila, nakikita na po natin iyan. Ibig sabihin importate na may monitoring system so aside from having to regulate public gransport we need to monitor them so that we will be able to properly enforce the service plan that we have imposed on routes, right now we have already digitally uploaded more than 600 routes on that system. We still have a long way to go but you know it never happened before. If I may say this, so far as having to address the concern for public transport. There are about 10,000 routes that we need to digitalized and upload in the system but everyone is invited to check on that system para makita nyo the changes that we are looking at in so far as having to raise the level or to raise the bar of our mandate not just as a regulatory body but also an agency that actually runs public transport on the road. So yung service contracting isang bagay yan na nakikita natin na hindi lang papatakbuhin on the road but nakikita din natin sa taas namo monitor natin na gumagana yung mga sasakyan kasi nakita nila na mababayaran sila patungkol dito sa ating service contracting program. On the issue of payment, just want to quickly mention this, nababayaran na po sila at kaunti na lang po yung naiiwan doon sa payables. We were able to disburse 1.9 Billion during the bayanihan 2 when it ended June 30 but there are still payables that we need to held and for which reason for we able to get a new funding for DBM and right now we are about to close the book so to speak kasi po nababayaran na po yung una. Yung s a3 Billion naman po because we learn a few lesson and this is what I want to emphasize based on what Mr. Ken had said earlier, we are now focus on running the public transport so we are not focus on drivers but we are focus on operators ibig sabihin for example along EDSA there are two consortia running the EDSA Buses there, we now contract these two consortia on the basis of what we call service plan ibig sabihin malalaman natin ilang bus sa bawat oras during peak hours at bababa yung number of assets during off peak hours. Makikita po natin iyan at hopefully sinusunod kasi minsan hindi nasusunod pero kailangan sundin yung service plan na itinalaga po ng LTFRB in consultation with our consortia. What we are saying and so far EDSA is concerned is also what we are doing for the rest of the region in so far as having to monitor and run public transport on the road. Please expect that in the coming weeks or months yung intervention ng DOTR and saka LTFRB sa pamamalakad at pagpapatagbo ng public transport would even be more manifest hindi lang po insofar as LTFRB is concern, hindi lang po regulatory ung hinid nakikita na po natin kung paano nila papatakbuhin yung kanila public transport yun lang po. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Sir kami po yung may UV express na hindi nakuha yung ang ayuda for driver. Paano po namin makukuha? |
Citizen question from Facebook |
Director Victor Pablo Trinidad: Chairman Delgra has already expounded on that Ma'am and that is the jurisdiction of DOTR but we just support their initiatives in so far as enforcing the land transportation law so that is the extent of our participation in that issue Ma’am. Atty. Martin Delgra III: In the interest of time baka pwede niyang itawag yung mga detalye na yan sa 1342-LTFRB Hotline and we will take it from there. Thank you po. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
How do we ensure the safety of our biking public because as it is now specially here in Cebu? We have a very narrow road so the lanes that have been dedicated are really not dedicated for the bikes alone but shared pa rin ito so recommendations from your group please. |
Citizen question from Facebook |
Mr. Elizar Sabinay Jr.: Thank you Ma'am Cathy and that is truly noted in terms of safety and security for the bike lane commuters particularly here in Cebu City and Metro Cebu as a Whole because based on our current base is really inclusive you see the trend that was increasing particularly in shorter routes if you are a biking commuter who prefer shorter routes but if you are biker who prefer longer routes. What we are doing right now in terms of influencing the Local government units in promoting safety and security basically we partner with institutions such as the United Kingdom and netherland embassy in terms of planning mobility in terms of planning their route network and identifying areas that are 1. Accessible; 2. Very visible in relation to safety and security; 3. Interconnectivity again as I mentioned before the value of inter-LGU connection because we see based on the origin destination of the people particularly those who are workers are really going to the cities and how would you connect and promote them that's number one. Second is right now the Cebu City I think just launched the Sugbo Bike Lane Board Patrollers. There are around 50 bike patrollers of which their main purpose is not apprehend but their main purpose is educate not just bikers but all road users. Value bike lanes, why it is important, why it is not good to park lanes and also pedestrian using of pedestrian lanes so thats the role right now of this Sugbo bike lane board patrollers and they are not just trained to educate but also, they are trained to post bike clinics. Again, that's our way in encouraging people because this is not just a decision but a mindset of converting from being a public commuter from becoming a bike lane commuter and from being a private vehicle commuter to being bike lane commuter is not easy so we are also does the Cebu City government in partnership with other LGUs like Talisay City and Mandaue City posted bike rides just to promote the bike lanes. Again with the bike lane was implemented the utilization is very low walang gumagamit talaga ng some of the bike lanes that's why we organized series bike rides, city rides to encourage people to make use of the bike lanes and there would be more at na stop lang siya during the surge or the past months August and July because surge here in Cebu but we will continue the bike rides and we will make it if possible na monthly basis doing consultation job with different biking groups and that's us in the foundation in partnership with the Cebu bike lane and whatever would be the recommendation still depends on the city and cebu bike lanes decisions but that is so far what we are working on. They are also facilitating some help not just in tri-cities but we are also assisting these cities coming up with the bike ordinance, bike route network plan in Danao City so a lot of things have been shaking in test because of what we are doing in the tri-city and hopefully we can get a support from the national government such as DPWH, DOTR and the rest. My concern also I would like to add that the service contracting is really number one that can belocallize if that can be implemented not just LTFRB can do it but also provincial wide even LGU. As of now we don't have any idea if that is possible, if through the guidance of the LTFRB how can the LGU make it and how can the province make it too. If not the LGU maybe a metropolitan transport can somewhat manage it because that is really important. Again, it's really the local government unit who know the route, who knows their people so maybe there is a suggestion coming up with the metropolitan transportation that can implement these programs but the entire transportation aspect in metropolitan area not just in metro cebu but even in metro davao and also not metro maybe provincial wide just to see the bigger picture the transportation situation. Again transportation is just a boundary in nature so hopefully It can be implemented locally through the guidance of LTFRB, if they can provide a business model but somehow hindi naman capital intensive but somehow it will give them some sufficient fund to support this service contracting program for their own provincial, local transportation routes and operations so just some of my recommendations here in metro cebu because as of now marami talaga yung problem and one of the solution is really to engage and have a system in service contracting here in Cebu if not tri-city maybe metro cebu the most feasible if not in metro cebu then it can be provincial wide the better. So that's my input lang and my suggestion and recommendation in relation to service contracting. Thank you, Ma’am Cathy. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagayw NTWG |
How safe is it naman sa ating mga airports and our airplanes because it is not just about land mobility and we are entering the Christmas period now and most of us will be traveling home. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Esperanza Cabral: Yes whether it is in land, air or sea there is always a risk but if you look at the studies on the air exchanges as well as the purity of the air in an airplane for example it is much better than the purity of the air in many of the enclosed spaces on land so at the moment travelling by air particularly in the large airplanes is quite secure, quite safe but there are risks just the same and we cannot avoid them and we just need to manage those risks and accept them if it is necessary to travel. Of course, if it is not necessary to travel then maybe we should zero our risk by not travelling. It is absolutely necessary that we have to take this risk and when we take this risk we have to do all the mitigating measures that we can do in ourselves so that the risk is lessened. And have your vaccines. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagayw NTWG |
Follow-through |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Ken Abante: For Dr. Cabral points one of the most important COVID-19 safety measures is ventilations and in fact when I ride public transport nagdadala po ako ng mga air quality transport monitor (CO2 monitor) parang mga air quality monitor po siya and indirect motion of quality measures na yung COVID-19 ay parang usok yung behavior niya kasi may airborne transmission at kailangan po at mas ma-monitor yung ventilation kasi for example some of the posts I’ve been to hindi naman nakabukas yung mga bintana at ang aircon po hindi siya ventilation kasi umiikot lang kaya kailangan laging may fresh air exchanged so sana po sa enclosed vehicles specially sana po talaga ma-implement yung pagbubukas ng bintana. Yung pangalawa pong point is on road safety, in fact the most important variable in road safety is the speed of the motor vehicle so there is a study that says pedestrian have been shown to have a 90% chance of survival when struck by a car travelling 30 KPH or below but have less than 50% change of survival with an impact of 45KPH, pedestrian have almost no chance of surviving at an impact more than 80KPH ito po yung sikat na S-curve sa road safety and in fact the narrower roads mas mahalaga na iprioritize yung pedestrians and cyclist as opposed to have car speeds as maximizing car speed as the success indicators in fact we should specially in the cities street we should be slowing down vehicles to around 30KPH or below and the narrower the streets are the more we should prioritize pedestrians and cyclist in the use of the space. Kasi currently po may great inequality po in our roads more than 70% use public transport but only 20% of roads spaces allocated to public transport users os para pong siniksik natin yung public transport users’ cyclist, pedestrians doon sa kakarampot na road space and this in fact what should be doing. Road widening that does not account for the shift in urban space only worsens traffic congestion and even if 2.8 trillion has been budgeted since 2010 for road construction widening maintenance 99% of that was given to road widening for cars as supposed 1% of that budget or just 40 billion pesos spent on cycling infrastructure in public transport so napakahalaga po kahit po yung inequality na yan the road budget ay maibigay sa road public transport walking and cycling and pedestrian infrastructure so jan po siguro at napakahalaga rin ng inclusibility ating mga pedestrians and infact one key push for our persons with disability advocates is not put up more put path yung mga elevated over passes kasi hindi naan po nakakapayat jan yung ating mga kapatid naman kapansanan and as opposed to have crossings that at grid, if we keep on adjusting these on car travel mas lalo pong magiging exclusive yung ating mga lansangan at mga daan so we should widen our space and reprioritized and persons with disability on the street. Ang quick exercise lang po diyang parang lolo at lola test isipin po natin nakasaklay tayo or mag-wheelchair tayo from point A to point B kaya ba natin pumunta doon ng walang assistance ung hindi, hindi po inclusive yung daan at yun po yung mahalagang test to understanding how inclusives our roads are and hopefully that is something we continue to work with MMDA, DPWH, DOTR and LTFRB. Marami pong Salamat.
Director Victor Pablo Trinidad: I am not sure with the number ma'am but I will get it back to you. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
This is address to the MMDA and LTFRB i-share ko lang po ang concern ng mga drivers dapat po ang mga task force like MMDA and LTO ay ine-educate nila ang mga commuters sa tamang sakayan at babaan kasi po as per observe ng MMDA hindi po nila tinuturo sa mga commuters ang tamang sakayan and babaan and worse sila po ay nagtatago kapag ang isang jeep ay nagbababa at nagpapa-sakay sa hindi tamang sakayan hinuhuli nila doon sa nagkaroon so its really about the MMDA enforcers. |
Comments from Facebook |
Director Victor Pablo Trinidad: To the persons that shared that comment please submit your complaint to the legal service of MMDA in order to discipline these enforcers and as much as possible we could get their names and the ID number so we have evidence to backed-up your claims. We have already removed close to a thousand since 2017 for disciplinary issues and we also posted in the chat box yung website contact details of MMDA. And for those who have similar complaints please go to the website of MMDA I am sure andoon yung mga numbers but sometimes those numbers are unreachable nman. Atty Trinidad baka you can also share if you have a hotline number.
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Virtual Dialogue |
Atty. Martin B. Delgra, III: The implementation of the first phase if the SCP ran from December 2020 up to June 30, 2021. During this initial phase, our participating and qualified individual traditional PUJ drivers were entitled to receive the following:
Meanwhile, drivers of consolidated entities, such as transport cooperative and corporations, were also entitled to receive the first three of the above-mentioned incentives. In terms of weekly payouts, for those under the net service contracting, each salary-based driver is entitled to receive a fixed amount of Php 800.00 per day for MPUJ drivers, and Php 1,200.00 per day for PUB drivers. For those under the gross service contracting drivers will receive 30% of the weekly payouts mentioned under item number 4, while 70% goes to the operator to cover operational expenses. As of December 31, 2021, the LTFRB has disbursed Php 4,665,872,272.40 for the first phase of the SCP, which is inclusive, amoth others, of the amounts disbursed for the above-mentioned incentives and payouts of PUV drivers nationwide. However, we wish to clarify that mere submission of documents by out PUJ drivers does not automatically entitle them to receive the above benefits under the Program, since submitted contracts and other required documents for the SCP still had to be evaluated by the LTFRB’s Program Implementing Unit (PIU) personnel for correctness of entries and completeness and validity of the attachments. Further in the process, these documents were again scrutinized during the pre-audit stage by the Finance and Management Division in order to ensure that all funds disbursed will be in accordance with the Program guidelines, as well as with the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations of the government. Moreover, the payouts received by PUV driver and operations under the SCP is different from the subsidies provided by the DOLE and DSWD during the COVID-19 pandemic, since the former is a performance-based incentive and not just cash dole-outs. Our PUV drivers have to operate on their existing and authorized routes for them to receive their corresponding payouts. While the vast majority of the incentives and payouts for participating PUJ drivers and operators were successfully processed and already released, there were some that were put on hold due to deficiencies found in the submitted contracts and documents, despite the guidance provided to the drivers and operators by the LTFRB personnel in the preparation of their documents. These deficiencies, which include, among others, failure to submit a verified GCASH account in the name of the driver, failure to submit a valid driver’s license, and inconsistent details in the contracts vis-à-vis the attached documents, were the major cause of the delays in the processing and release of incentives and payouts. Diligent and reasonable efforts have already been exerted by Central and Regional PIU personnel to contact these PUJ drivers in order to resolve these issues in so that the processing of their incentives and payouts can process. Unfortunately, these PUJ drivers could no longer be contacted, and the December 31, 2021 deadline for the disbursement of SCP 1 funds has already lapsed. For this reason, their incentives and payouts can no longers be processed or released. Notwithstanding the abovementioned issues, we encourage our PUJ drivers to participate during the third phase of the SCP, which we expect to implement by March 2022 once the funds for the Program under the General Appropriations Act of 2022 are released by the DBM. The LTFRB has streamlined the SCP processes, and in coordination with the Landbank, decentralized the disbursement of SCP funds to the regions, which resulted to the quicker release of incentives and weekly payouts to operators during the SCP 2, and we aim to replicate this success in the third phase of the Program this quarter. We encourage our PUJ drivers who have yet to receive their incentives and payouts to process to the nearest Regional Franchising and Regulatory Office in there are, and to provide the needed data to the assigned RPIU personnel in order to determine the actual status of their incentives and payouts, or if they are indeed entitled to receive such incentives and payouts in the first place. |
Response received via email |
Dagyaw NTWG | Bakit di po ninyo iniimbistigahan and mga bus na biyaheng Cavite? Sobrang laki nila maningil ngg pamasahe lalo na ang Jasper Jean at Kersten bus. Dagdag pahirap po ito sa amin na mga commuter. | Virtual Dialogue |
Atty. Martin B. Delgra, III: At the outset, we wish to emphasize that the LTFRB has not authorized any fare increases for PUVs during the pandemic, notwithstanding the reduced passenger’s capacity imposed by the Board due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the spike in fuel prices. Instead of burdening our commuters with fare increases, the LTFRB opted to provide assistance for the affected drivers and operators through the special programs of the national government such as the Direct Cash Subsidy, fuel Subsidies, and Service Contracting Program in order cuhion the impact of the above-mentioned challenges they currently face. As regards this particular complaint against Jasper Jean and Kersten Bus, please be informed that the same has already been indorsed to our Legal Division for appropriate action, and is set to be scheduled for hearing. We appreciate the efforts of our commuters in bringing these kinds of issues to the attention of the Board. We do not tolerate any violation committed by out PUV operators, including their drivers and conductors, of the terms and conditions of their franchise, particularly those imposing additional burden to our commuters such as charging of fare higher that that authorized by the Board. Rest assured that we will be providing you with updates of any developments related to this particular case. |
Response received via email |
Dagyaw NTWG | What about po sa provinces outside NCR na hindi pa nakagawa ng road widening? How can we have safe roads if walang designated sidewalks or walking lanes for the pedestrians? Kung na-widen man, hindi naman functional kasi maraming poste and trees na nakaharang o kaya may mga uncovered road shoulders na sana inayos para magamit ng mga naglalakad. Such realities make the already widened roads useless | Virtual Dialogue |
Marlo L. Iringan: 1. Road Widening concerns properly falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH);
For LGUs under Alert Levels 1 and 2, they are expected to fully implement road clearing initiatives guided by the provisions of M.C. No. 2020-027. For those under Alert Level 3m they are to partially implement the same, and ensure that priority will be given to the health and safety of their personnel conducting road clearing operations. It is worthy to note that since the endorsed concern specifically made mention of posts and trees, these particular provisions under M.C. No. 2020-027 shall apply: “II. Guidelines for Road Clearing Operations Xxx c. Obstructing and/or hazardous trees may be pruned or removed by the local government unit in accordance with rules imposed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources; d. I cases wherein structure or facilities owned by utility service providers, such as posts, meters, instrumentation boxes, and the like, cause obstruction to the road right-of-way, due coordination shall be made by the concerned utility company and the local government unit to remove or relocate the obstructing structure or facility. It must be also ensured that such relocation, and the conduct of road clearing operations in general, shall not cause disruption to the delivery of utility and other basic services. xxx” Given the foregoing, it is clear that LGUs are mandated to clear trees and/or posts obstructing roads within their respective areas of jurisdiction while observing pertinent rules, and regulations of the DENR and/or DPWH, as the case may be, prior to the conduct of the same. To provide further information, M.C. No. 2020-027 provides that the non-compliance by local chief executives shall result to the issuance of show-cause orders and against them and filing of appropriate administrative case. For the part of this Department, we are continuously monitoring the performance of LGUs with regard to their road clearing operations through our respective Regional Offices.
[1] Memorandum Circular No. 2020-27 with subject: “Continued Implementation of the Presidential Directive to Clear Roads of Illegal Obstructions (road Clearing 2.0)” provides for the complete and specific guidelines for road clearing operations. |
Response received via email |
Serbisyong Medikal, Paano Matatanggap ng Bawat Pilipino?: Usapang Public Health
DAGYAW 2021: Serbisyong Medikal, Paano Matatanggap ng Bawat Pilipino?: Usapang Public Health
November 26, 2021 - 2:00PM – 4:30PM
Role |
Agency/Organization |
Resource Speaker |
Designation |
Town Hall Reporter | Department of Health (DOH) | Dr. Maria Socorro Santos | OIC Chief, Planning Division, Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau |
Panelists | Department of Health (DOH) Central Luzon |
Mr. Eric Paul Yumul |
Development Officer V |
San Juan Medical Center | Dr. Joseph M. Acosta | Medical Director | |
Community-Based Diabetes Educators Group | Ms. Remedios Bernardo | President | |
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) | Mr. Rey Baleña | Senior Manager, Corporate Communications | |
Moderator | Coalition for Bicol Development, Inc. | Ms. Aurora Chavez | Chairperson |
Youtube Replay |
Facebook Replay |
Session Design |
Presentation |
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Agency / Organization Concerned |
Questions / Concerns Raised |
Source of Feedback |
Response and / or Action Taken |
Status |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Sa inyong palagay, gaano kadali makatanggap ng sapat na medikal na serbisyo mula sa inyong lokal na pamahalaan? |
Poll Question |
ZOOM Participants
[A] – Madali lamang makakuha ng sapat na medikal na serbisyo mula sa aming lokal na pamahalaan – 26% [B] – Hindi madali makakuha ng medikal na serbisyo mula sa aming lokal na pamahalaan – 35% [C] – Hindi ko pa nasusubukan kumuha ng medikal na tulong mula sa aming lokal na pamahalaan – 39% |
n/a |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Accessibility of healthcare to our citizens - there is a sentiment that good and affordable healthcare is not readily available to many parts of our population - what can you say about this sentiment? |
Virtual dialogue |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Magandang Hapon Maam Araw at magandang hapon sa inyong lahat unang-una nagpapasalamat ang Philhealth sapagkat nabigyan niyo po kami ng pagkakataon na maging bahagi ng programang ito. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
How do we ensure the preparedness of the LGUs to have a health care delivery system with a working health care provider network? |
Virtual dialogue |
Dr. Maria Socorro Santos: For the healthcare provider network po under the UHC act ang DOH po nagbibigay ngayon ng technical assistance and capacity building through our regional offices po para sa ating 58 UHC integration sites para po matulungan sila na ma-build po nila itong healthcare provider networks na ito. Para naman po sa ibang mga local government units na hindi po integration sites meron din pong technical assistance pa rin na binibigay ang DOH para po sa mga programa nila sa health system strengthening para po maging efficient po yung pag deliver nila ng kanilang mga health services although syempre po yung aming suporta is through to technical assistance and to a certain extent yung deployment of additional human resources for health particularly to doctorless municipalities and GIDAs saka po yung procurement of certain commodities na alam po nating napaka importante katulad po ng sa vaccinations, sa TB. Dr. Joseph Acosta: Magandang hapon po sa mga nakikinig at sa aking mga kasamang panelist at sa nag-organize nitong Dagyaw magandang hapon sa inyo. Binigyan lang po kami ng tatlong minuto (3-mins) kaya bibilisan ko masagot iyan. Ms. Remedios Bernardo: Magandang Hapon po. Sa bahagi po ng community health workers at saka ordinaryong mamamayan, I could say na yun pong universal health ay karapatan po ng bawat mamamayan na dapat ito po ay accessible. Sa kabuuan masasabi ko po na ito ay hindi po lubos or ganap na yung tinatawag nating universal health in a way na kailangan pa rin pong mag cashout nung ilang mga naospital; kailangan pong maglabas sila ng pera at ganoon din nariyan rin po yung problema na very expensive rin po yung halaga ng pagpapa-ospital kung ikaw ay outpatient yung cost rin ng mga diagnostic na napakahalaga para maimprove na ikaw ay may sakit o maiiwasan na magkaroon ng complication ang iyong sakit at hindi rin po affordable talaga para sa isang mahirap yung mga presyo at expenses ng mga pinagbabayaran. Sa ganito parang pangkahalatan tinitignan namin na dapat po talaga magkaroon ng equity o pagkakapantay sa pamamahala at pangangalaga sa kalusugan. Dapat pong maging patient center po at nang ito po ay makatulong sa kapanahunang sila po ay nagkakaroon ng sakit at problema sa kanilang kalusugan. In short po ay talaga pong napakahirap po ngayong panahon na ito lalo po na ngayong pandemic, sabi nga po ng LCB ay 43 countries ang nagkaroon ng disruption sa health services particular po yung mga nasa risk group ng diabetes, hypertension, cancer, asthma at saka yun pong mga CBA kaya talaga pong napakahirap talaga ng sitwasyon ng pag-access sa ating health care services. Iyon po lamang. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
For sir Eric who is in charge sa devolution transition plan ng DOH sa Central Luzon. Ano po yung masasabi niyo with regards doon sa readiness ng mga LGUs dito po sa devolution process po, Sir? How will the Mandanas Ruling affect DOH Human Resource for Health Deployment Program or HRHDP for the implementation of UHC? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: Isa pong maganda at malusog na hapon para sa ating lahat. I will be answering for your question Maam on the readiness, kung titignan po talaga natin yung readiness ng ating local government units when it comes to the implementation ng ating EO 138 ay hindi pa po talaga sila ready for the implementation kaya po yung mga ginagawa natin activities ngayon is for the technical assistance, technical support na pwede pong i-provide ng lahat ng agencies. This is an inter-agency approach na lahat po ng agencies binibigyan po ng technical assistance tapos yung ating mga local government units para po makapag track at makapag formulate po sla ng maayos na DTP na angkop po base doon sa ating local government code na upon review ngayon palang po nating pino-prove kung fully devolved yung mga functions na dapat po pala dati pa po nila ginagawa sa mga local government units po natin. Thank you po. Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: For the human resources for the health deployment Ma’am, actually this is one of the activities na i-dedevolve po ng DOH doon sa ating mga Local Government Units. However, this is a partially devolved po siya for 2023. For 2022 po wala po tayong ide-devolve sa kanila doon sa ating mga human resource for health deployment, ang 2023 po yung ifu-fully devolve doon po sa kanila for hiree and for reconsideration doon sa mga plan nila under the devolution transition plan will be the hiring of nurses and midwives pero yung ibang deployment program namin like the doctors, medtechs, dentist, physical therapist, pharmacist magre-remain po siya with the department of health however there are some consideration in the devolution and devolving this functions sa mga LGUs po natin so yung mga 1st to 4th class municipalities po yun po yung ide-devolve yung function of hiring nurses and midwives. However, in 5th and 6hth class municipalities magreremain po siya with DOH and yun mga meron po nating GIDAs (Geographic Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas) with the efforts po ng mga peace building efforts yung mga ELCAC po natin kasama po iyan and then kung meron po tayong priority areas for the poverty reduction including those with critical health first gap upon assessment of LGU kung meron parin po. Iyon po yung bibigyan ng augmentation ng Department of Health for the human resources for health deployment. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Ms. Riz Comia: Video Questions |
Balikan ko lang po yung nai-share kanina ni Maam Berdardo na medyo mahal ang cost ng health care, mahirap maka-access baka pwede ko pong hingan ng reaction dito si Dra. Santos. Any reaction po doon sa nai-share ni Ma’am Bernardo. |
Video Message |
Dr. Maria Socorro Santos: Ina-acknowledge po namin na meron po talaga tayong serbisyo na mahirap ma-access. Yung access po pwedeng dahil sa malayo or yung iskedyul karamihan po ng ating mga RHUs sarado pag weekend or meron lang silang office hours tapos pwede rin pong walang doctor or walang midwife doon sa isang facility or sa pinansyal naman po yung problema sa access na mahal. Kaya po meron pong iba-ibang reporma na ginagawa po ngayon para sa health sector ang DOH so primarily yung universal healthcare nga po yung pinaka importante nating batas para diyan i-expand po natin yung mga packages ng Philhealth yung mga benepisyo nila para maging akma sa pangangailangan ng mga tao tapos kung meron pong malalayong RHUs magtatayo po tayo ng mas malalapit para po makumpleto natin yung isang primary care provider network sa isang probinsya or sa isang city tapos para naman po sa mga gamot meron po tayong batas diyan para maging mura po ang mga gamot at available ang generic so hindi lang po ito kayang solusyonan ng isang paraan lamang kasi napakarami po talaga nating kailangan ayusin sa ating health sector para nga mabigyan natin ng tamang serbisyo yung mga tao although gusto ko lang i-emphasize ang UHC po hindi po ibig sabihin nito lahat libre. Meron po tayo mga priorities, priority groups, priority na services na ibibigay dahil alam naman natin hindi lahat kayang bayaran ng ating gobyerno at hindi rin dapat bayaran kunwari po yung mga health services gaya ng mga plastic surgery hindi naman po iyon kasama sa Universal Health Care. Thank you po. Mr. Rey Baleña: Maraming Salamat po natawa niyo po kami sapagkat meron po tayong ibabalita kay Ma’am Remedios at ito ay kaugnay narin sa sinabi ni Dr. Santos. Ang Philhealth po ay naglunsad po ng kanyang primary care benefit package na ang tawag po natin ay Kunsultasyong sundin at tama so ngayong taon po inilunsad natin yan at sa kasalukuyan nagpaparami po tayo ng mga pasilidad na magpapa-accredit sa ating pong programang ito sapagkat napakaganda po nito dahil ito po yung magbibigay “magkaka catalyze” na ang ating mga kababayan ay maalagaan talaga ng husto, matignan po talaga ng primary care professionals. Halimbawa po sa ilalim ng amin konsulta package ay meron po doong provision para doon sa mga gamot halimbawa doon sa mga diabetic patients natin kasama po doon sa pakete batay po doon sa assessment ng doctor at talaga yung kababayan natin halimbawa ay kailangan po niya mag maintenance ng metformin kasama po iyon doon sa pakete na ipagkakaloob sa ating mga kababayan. This is something to look forward doon po at si Ma’am Remedios sana po matulungan niyo po kami na ang mga rural health clinics, health centers, private primary clinics ay mag pa-accredit na po sa Philhealth sapagkat maraming accredited na consultant providers ay mas marami pong kababayan natin ang mai-enroll sa kanila at makaka avail po ng serbisyong ito na ang layunin ay maalagaan po ang ating kalusugan. Una maagapan po yung karamdaman early detection so malalaman agad kung meron tayong karamdaman at magagabayan tayo kung anong gagawin at maaaring matulungan tayo kung saan tayo pupunta kung pupunta na ba tayo sa espesyalista, sa hospital so ilan ito sa mga magagandang balita hindi lang sa mga diabetic patients at kundi pati sa mga may highblood, at yun pong may mga asthma pero kahit wala pong sakit maganda po ito para po makaiwas na po tayo sa pagkakasakit. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Ms. Reen Jones Camado Paano po maka avail ng Financial Assistance dito sa Region namin like sa mga PLHIV (people living with HIV)? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: Ang for central luzon actually po meron kaming HIV access sites wherein yung mga facilities po natin like yung mga RHUs meron tayong certified na nagpro-provide po ng services related doon sa HICs and STIs. Meron din po tayong mga treatment hub or the social hygiene clinics na doon po nirerefer yung mga HIV patients po natin and for the financial aid Ma’am we have partner agencies such as the DSWD na sila po yung nagpro-provide ng financial trance for the HIV natin na mga patients pero for the DOH ma’am what we have is the management, counseling and yung treatment po ng mga symptoms for the HIV patients. Thank you po. Dr. Joseph Acosta: In San Juan City there are two ways to avail that (i) is through the hospital and (ii) is through the city health. Yung mga barangay health centers, they have doctors there and they(patients) have just to go there and ask and they will be guided how to get it through our PAC or public assistance center ng city. The city helps in talaga and there are hospitalized naman dito sa hospitals namin everything is provided free for them yung mga HIVs namin including medicines kapag na-hospitalize ka free talaga yung binibigay sa kanila and we ask also help from the Department of Health para doon sa gamot na binibigay doon sa mga HIV patients. Hindi ko nakikitang mahirap iyon para sa city namin siguro sa other cities din in Metro Manila maganda din ang services. Ang nakikita ko lang nahihirapan ay yung mga nasa municipalities lalo naka devolve na hindi ko alam paano sila mag pro-provide ng ganon specially yung mga nasa low income bracket. Dito naibibigay talaga sa kanila. Thank you po. Mr. Rey Baleña: While we are at it gusto lang naming ipaalam sa kababayan po nating nagtanong kung pag uusapan po ang paggagamot sa HIV/AIDS ay meron rin pong benefit package ang Philhealth para jan meron tayong tinatawag na Outpatient HIV/AIDS Treatment (OHAT) package na ang kakahalaga po ng Thirteen Thousand (PHP13,000) at gaya po ng narinig natin kanina yan po ay ma-aavail po natin doon sa health care facilities na dinesegnate po ng department of health as treatment hub para po sa mga HIV patients so meron pong ayuda o tulong pinansyal ang Philhealth sa mga nagpapagamot sa sakit na ito. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
What difficulties have we encountered in both providing and availing of health services? We have a citizen who is a medical health practitioner who has a question related to this, let’s listen: Magandang Araw! Ako po si Jessica, isang Physical Therapist. Base sa experience ko po sa mga ospital ngayon nagkakaroon ng kakulangan ng mga allied medical professionals tulad na rin ng physical therapist, mga nurse, mga doctor. Nangyayari ho napipilitan ang mga hospital, mag hire or kunin yung mga manpower na kailangan nila sa mga intern o sa mga estudyante ho at itatanong ko po sana kung ano po ang mga hakbang na ginagawa niyo po para matugunan yung problemang ito? Salamat po. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Maria Socorro Santos: Based po doon sa pinakita kong presentation partially devolve po ang human resource for health so ibig sabihin po nito ang suporta po ng national government will be retained for the lower income class na mga municipalities at saka yung mga geographically na malalayo po na lugar so pag nag-increase naman po yung national tax allotment inaasahan po natin na lalaki po yung pondo ng local government units tapos meron pang waiving ng PS caps so mas magiging mas malaking yung pera na pwede nilang gastusin para po sa personnel services para po maghire ng mga human resources for health ito po yung para sa 1st to 4th income class na municipalities na may kakayahan naman at may enough na pera para po mag hire samantalang for others naman po tuloy lang po ang suporta ng HRH deployment para po sa pag augment ng kanilang human resources for health at para po sa supply naman kasi limitado naman kasi po talaga yung available nating mga human resources lalo na at napakarami ang nagpupunta sa ibang bansa para doon mag trabaho. Meron pong mga scholarship na ino-offer ang department of health saka po return of service agreement under the universal healthcare act para po maparami natin yung mga nandito sa Pilipinas na mga human resources for health yun po. Salamat po. Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: Good Afternoon po ulit. Just putting the context po in the devolution transition plan. For the devolution transition plan on health meron po tayong recommended na structure doon sa ating mga municipal, provincial and city level wherein yun po yung magiging basis ngayon doon sa kakulangan natin ng mga human resources so yun lang po yung magiging challenge ngayon. Upon proposal and submitting these DTPs yung mga plans po ng mga LGUs doon sa council natin sana po maaprobahan po yung mga request ng mga LGUs natin for the increase in the manpower para ma-address din po yung ating kakulangan doon sa human resource for health po natin at the local government level. Thank you. Mr. Rey Baleña: Well ito naman ay personal, sa aking palagay wala pong adverse effect doon sa universal health care law yung devolution. Ako personally ang tingin ko po jan kumbaga ibinibigay kung saan dapat ibigay yung dapat mga serbisyo na para po mas mabilis yung pagbibigay nito sa mamamayan at ang universal health care law naman ang nagbigay ng pangkalahatang framework kung papaano po magtatrabaho, maguugnayan iyon pong national government even private sector yung mga lokal na pamahalaan para po magtulong-tulong para po yung mga serbisyo population based services man iyan o individual-based services ay makarating ng mas mabilis at efficient sa mga mamamayan. Ako personal ko po iyon hindi ko pa nakikita na may adverse effect kundi ito ay mag tutulong tulong para po yung isa't-isa lalo na yung universal health care ay mas maimplement po natin. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Video Question from Mark |
Balikan ko po si Dr. Acosta may nabanggit po kayo kanina with regards doon po sa shortage of doctors and nurses. Perhaps you can share ano po yung past experience ninyo and probably pati present at ano po yung nakikita niyong solution dito. |
Video Message, Virtual Dialogue and Facebook Comments |
Dr. Joseph Acosta: Yung mga kakulangan na doctors but before I go to that yung questions na yung difficulties and challenges natin or napro-provide kung nakaka-avail sila ng health services alam niyo po yung thoughts ko lang sa devolution is meron po magandang effect. Sa amin po kasing hospital hindi kami nakaranas ng devolution kasi we are already devolved, naitayo po kasi ang hospital na ito na hindi na under sa national in 1997 so local government since nag start siya but hindi lang siya nadevelop at talagang nag stagnate siya na primary level. Dumating ang mayor namin na ang priority is health of the cities and the health of the populations. Binuhos talaga niya dito sa amin at gumanda yung hospital gayon nga po nakapag file na kami maging level two (2) na kami yung sa DOH. Kasi yung hiring di namin nagiging problema yan kasi pina-priority even the city council katulad nung nagstart kami with less than 19 nurses for a 150 beds ngayon pinalakihan na namin to 200 beds. By 2022, approve na po yung budget for 149 nurses at saka talagang gusto namin na ang gusto rin ng cities maging level 3 since it is only the hospital in the city. Ang sa tingin ko po doon sa ibang mga municipalities ang magkakaproblema sa devolution kahit pa siguro lagyan mo sila ng a little more money from the IRA doon sa Mandanas-Garcia Ruling hindi pa rin sila kukulangin kasi dito sa amin pag meron nagkasakit meron kami agad marereperan na bigger hospital kasi ginawa pa rin nga ng amin city because hindi parin kami kompleto until now yung mga diagnostics or yung mga therapeutic procedures like to example yung for dialysis wala pa kami non but meron kaming kasama na mobile hospital na doon namin nirerefer yung mga pasyente namin at binabayaran lang namin sila through GIDA, gusto yon ng aming city o ng leadership ng city so napro-probaydan ng maganda yung other na sinasabi nilang GIDA for the part ng area. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Meron pong tanong dito from Reene Jones Camado again. Single Mom po si Mama tapos labandera lang po work nya and ako po nag aaral. Paano po maging indigent si Mama sa Philhealth? |
Citizen question from Facebook |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Una po wag nating sabihin na labandera lang si mama dapat labandera si Mama. Ngayon yun pong indigent yun pong mahihirap tama po under indirect contributors ng Philhealth doon po sa ilalim ng universal health care law sila po ay ipinagbabayad ng national government para sa taonan po nilang contribution sa programa. Para po mapabilang doon sa indigent program dapat po sila ay nakalista doon sa listahan ng department of social welfare development (DSWD) sapagkat yon po ang aming pinagbabasihan basta po nakalista po sa DSWD list automatic po yon ay Philhealth member agad as indigent pinoproseso po namin yung kanila pong member data record, ngayon makipag ugnayan po sa inyo pong local social welfare officer at kung sa kanilang magiging assessment naman po ay talagang pasado po sa pagiging indigent doon sa NHTS sa listahan yung inyong Mama siya po ay mapapabilang doon at automatic sa Philhealth magkakaroon po siya ng coverage as indigent member. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Balik ulit Sir Rey, tama po ba 58-palang yung makakasama sa universal healthcare and the first year is the managerial and technical integration and the next three years would be the financial. Meron na po bang nakakapag implement by 2022 o wala pa po sa tingin niyo po. |
Citizen question from Facebook |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Well baka po si Dr. Santos yung DOH ang maari pong makapagbigay ng pinaka competent na sagot pero ako from our side sa nakikita po natin bagamat may mga sinabi sa universal health law pero alam po natin naging challenges po mga hinarap natin nung nakaraang halos dalawang taon ay talagang marami tayong kinakailangang i-catch-up. Siguro po si Dr. Santos may mas maibibigay na sagot. Dr. Maria Socorro Santos: Para po dito sa mga 58 UHC integration sites may ginawa pong pag aaral and department of health sa kung ano na po yung status nila in terms of integration so ginawa po ito ng ating bureau of local health systems development sa ngayon po 2021 karamihan po talaga sa kanila ay nasa preparatory stage pa lamang po kasi medyo makomplikado po talaga integration napakarami po itong requirements para po maging isang fully functional na province and city wide health system so tama po kayo first three years managerial and technical integration po muna tapos sa susunod na tatlong taon will be the financial integration so sa ngayon po preparatory stage pero ang plano po natin dapat po by 2025 fully integrated na po sila; fully functional at nakikita na po natin ang resulta universal health care na integration nila para po sa province and city-wide integration. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagayw NTWG |
Another question from Jeff Fernandes, Bakit kapag hindi kami nakapag bayad ng 3 buwan hindi namin magamit ang philhealth? Nasaan napunta yung mga hinulog namin at di namin magamit? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Sir Jeff, sa ilalim po ng universal health care ay hindi na po ganoon ang atin pong provision dati po talagang bago tayo gumamit meron dapat hahanapin na 3-paid months within the last 6-months bago po yung confinement na may ganoon po tayong panuntunan pero sa ilalim po ng universal health care law ay sinabi po na hindi na issue iyan. Kapag kinailangan ng isang kababayan natin ang serbisyong pangkalusugan ay dapat ma-avail na po itong serbisyong ito at kaakibat non dapat magamit din po niya yung kanyan Philhealth benefit. Ngayon ang ating kampanya ay talagang dapat tuloy tuloy po yung pagbabayad natin contribution sapagkat mahalaga ito para sustainable yung ating programa sakali po lalo na po sa panahon natin ngayon may mga kababayan tayong hindi nakapaghulog ng ilang buwan sa paghuhulog wala pong dapat ipag alala dahil sabi nga natin immediately eligible tayo sa paggamit ng Philhealth benefit pero sana maintindihan po natin Ma'am Araw ipaliwanag ko narin po na sinabi rin po sa Universal health care law na kung meron man tayong naging kakulangan sa bayad sa nakaraan ay dapat po mabayarin din natin sa Philhealth sapagkat hindi naman natin ginawa ay maapektuhan po yung sustainable ng programa. Ms. Remedios Bernardo: Ang pag access po sa Philhealth sa bahagi po siguro nung mula sa baba tingin ko po ay generally nakaka-access po pero yung sinasabi ni Sir Rey na parang pag-improve yan po ay kumbaga ay hindi pa natin masyadong nararamdaman kasi nga po ay may classification po kasi meron pong package meron po yung level level kaya ibig ko pong sabihin meron pong disparity hindi po talaga patas yung paggamit rin po sa Philhealth pero in general po nakaka-access naman po siguro yung mga mahihirap dahil nga lang hindi po nalulubos yung pag access. Mr. Rey Baleña: Yes Ma'am Remedios natutuwa po kami na marinig sa inyo na generally yung pag aavail ng benepisyo naman po ng mga pasyente ay maginhawa naman po nakaka avail naman yung mga pasyente. Siguro yung tinutukoy ni Maam Remedios ay yun pong mga pakete, yun naman po ay hindi po sabihin natin hindi po permanente. Ayon po sa universal health care law dapat ang mga benepisyo po ay dapat lumalawak at bumubuti kaya nga po sa bahagi ng Philhealth hinid naman po tayo titigil sa pag aaral po para po maibigay sa mga pasyente yung nararapat. Sa mga nakaraan po siguro nabalitaan po ninyo dapat hanggang 90 sessions lamang po halimbawa ang covered natin yung mga nagda-dialysis yung hemodialysis pero gawa nga po ng kinailangan nakita po natin yung sitwasyon po ng ating mga kababayan lalo nitong pandemya ay minabuti po ng Philhealth Board yan po ay extend to 144 sessions kada tao so isa po itong konkretong halimbawa na tayo po ay tumutugon sa pangangailangan ng atin pong mga miyembro. For this year in fact nasimulan yan last year yung 90 sessions ng mga diabetic patients na-extend po yan to 144 sessions at hindi tayo tumitigil para po maglabas ng mga benepisyo na kinakailangan po ng ating mamamayan. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagayw NTWG |
Ano pa po ba yung health assistance na pwedeng ma-access ng mamamayan po? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: Putting it to the local level, actually marami po tayong services na available po doon sa ating mga rural health units. Nandiyan na po yung difference health programs natin for the family health programs natin, responsible health parenting nandiyan po yung sa family health natin, sa womens screening, yung sa mga IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Program) natin. Sa mga communicable diseases andiyan parin yung technical assistance and support for tuberculosis, program for malaria, for leprosy and for other communicable diseases program. For the non communicable diseases yun pong kung saan nabibilang si Ma’am, nag pro-provide narin po tayo ng technical assistance and support doon sa mga non-communicable diseases program including meron po tayong pino-provide from DOH yun pong mga health facility enhancement program wherein yon po rin yung sinasabi ni Sir Rey kanina na accreditation ng Philhealth tinutulungan po natin yung mga local government units kung ano po yung kakulangan nila para maging licensed po ni DOH at maging accredited ni DOH kasi po nahihirapan po yung ba doon sa access meron silang Philhealth membership pero hindi po nila magamit ito at nagbabayad parin sila dahil po yung pinupuntahan nila na facilities ay hindi pa po Philhealth accredited so kailangan po yung Philhealth membership natin pupunta siya doon sa Philhealth accredited para po magamit yung mga benefits niya as Philhealth member kaya po para mabigyan siya ng mga benefit packages na inooffer ng ating Philhealth. Yung iba’t ibang services po na yung technical support na binibigay natin sa mga LGUs including yung ating pag pro-provide ng technical support when it comes to the Planning na napag usapan natin sa unang part po ng ating discussion kanina tinutulungan po natin yung ating mga LGUs in crafting their local investment plan for health wherein nandoon po lahat yung mga steps po natin kung paano mag prioritize yung LGU; ano po yung uunahin nila using the local government units scorecard; meron po kasi don na kapag red yung performance nung ating mga LGUs yun po dapat yung pinaprioritize nila when it comes to planning. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
To start this next segment, let’s again listen to another question from a citizen: How can we improve the implementation of our health policies? What are the best practices we can implement - especially for those policies around providing care for PWDs and vulnerable sectors of our society? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Ms. Remedios Bernardo: For us sa CBDEG ang tinitignan po namin magandang practices ay engagement with the local government units in such a way na mas dine-define po namin sa kanila yung advocacy o awareness tungkol sa aming work na kung saan ay pinagtibay po ng LGU yung support sa amin sa pamamagitan po ng pag train ng mga community health workers para makatulong po sa diabetes awareness kasi nakita po namin malaking tulong po ito sa kakulangan na manpower tapos nakakatulong rin po ito para sa upliftment ng awareness nung mga tao sa community kaya tingin ko po yung engagement po ay more on pagpapalakas ng advocacy empowering na kasama po yung mga local government units hindi just simply mag bababa sa kanila po ng mga program. Kailangan mo talaga katulad ngayon nakita po namin na kailangang mag-advocate ilinaw yung talagang dumarami na po yung bilang ng risk group diabetes at hypertension na kailangan pong bigyang pansin. Kung titignan po natin batay sa data international diabetes ay 430 Million na po ang meron at ang 430 ay magiging half billion na. Ibig sabihin lang po namin sa bahagi ng mga health worker ang diabetes po kasi at hypertension ay nakapaloob lang po siya sa CHD, ang isa pong nakikita namin nga ay kakulangan tulad po ng sinabi ko manpower ay to train at dapat po ay ma-involve din ang local government units. Yun po ang aming masasabing best practices na ngayon po ay aming ginagawa. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Ang pilipinas po ay kilala sa maraming civil society organizations pero bakit po kaya pagdating po sa mga CSOs na nakafocus talaga sa health service delivery ay medyo hindi ganoon karami. Perhaps yung thoughts mo po Dr. Acosta, Ano pong tingin ninyo bakit ganoon? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Joseph Acosta: Kanina po gusto kong sumagot tungkol don sa question ng Philhealth lagi ko po kasing sinasabi dito sa aming hospital sa mga pasyente at sa mga kasamahan ko bawat pilipino dapat Philhealth member yun po ang sabi sa batas kung tama ako Sir Rey, kahit mahirap ka o mayaman ka kailangan Philhealth member ka. Katulad po kasi sa magpa-admit ng isang pasyente sa ospital lalo sa government hospital para mabigay yung iyong mga benepisyo sakali mang mag diskwento kailangan gamitin mo yung Philhealth mo so kung may mga pasyente po kasing dadarating na walang Philhealth buti na lamang meron kaming point of service na kami ang nag enenroll sa kanila para magkaroon ng Philhealth. Yung iba talagang nakalimutan lang mag update ng Philhealth more than ilang months na hindi bayad kaya hindi magamit ang Philhealth nila kaya ang ginagawa namin ay gumagawa kami ng mga infographics na ang city namin ay isang maliit na city lang dapat lahat kayo i-update ang Philhealth niyo kasi whenever know kung kelan maospital kaya yung question niyo po na bakit hindi marami ang nag gaganito ay siguro buong pilipinas na hindi sila aware na dapat may Philhealth sila kasi anytime nadisgrasya ka, nagkasakit ka or something meron kang Philhealth na makakabawas talaga ng malaki sa babayaran mo pagka seniour ka pa ay wala kang babayarang balance billing madaming benepisyo magagamit yung bahagi ng DOH kasi kung wala kang Philhealth hindi sila pwedeng gamitin basta basta kasi requirement yon even yung malasakit fund kailangan babawasin muna yung Philhealth mo para i-charge sa malasakit fund. Siguro po yung ating isa pang kakulangan ng civil society na maging aware tayo sa ating health insurance natin itong Philhealth na ito so yun pong mga pokus ng iba sa atin ay ipokus din upang maging aware yung mga Pilipino na magkaroon tayo ng awareness sa ating health. Kung hindi man sila health kumain atleast alam nila magkakasakit sila later on tatandaan niyo lahat nakakasakit we have to have this insurance policy which is Philhealth so iyon po ang akin maibabahagi. Thank you Dr. Joseph Acosta: I just want to answer that question para po doon sa PWD kasi sa aming hospital ang malaking concern ng mga PWD kasi nakita na hindi man lang siguro sa city na ito, sa iba ring lalawigan nakita na abuso yung paggamit ng PWD card yung ibang may kaibigan silang doctor ise-certify okay na. So ang ginawa po namin kasi nga para hindi siya maabuso kasi walang sino mang doctor ang makakapag certify ng lahat for example mental health yung problem, for example orthopedics ang problem or heart meron pong specialist para jan. Dito sa city namin nagagawa iyan pero meron din kaming challenges because at this time wala kaming psychiatrist though we have to refer that patient kung merong problem sa mental health. Ang magiging malaking challenges sa buong pilipinas ay yung mga small municipalities yung mga PWD nila saan nila ipapa certify kahit sino na lang ba or isang doctor lang ang mag certify so yung doctor na yon mahihirapan, he/she has to research all the diseases na included doon sa list na pwedeng maging certified PWD na isang pasyente. Thank you po. Dr. Maria Socorro Santos: Okay po so para po doon sa mga senior citizens at PWDs, ang Philhealth po subsidized po sila ng national government para po sa Philhealth membership nila indirectly paying members po sila so yon po yung una. Pangalawa po, in general meron po tayong pagdagdag po ng mga serbisyo available po para sa lahat ng tao at the primary care level at the secondary, tertiary care sa UHC act nga po at pangatlo meron po tayong mga serbisyo na siya specific to senior citizens kunwari yung mga bakuna po na binibili po ng department of health for senior citizen and for PWDs naman po meron pong mga serbisyo para sa kanila katulad ng development ng isang rehabilitation plan for counseling, caregiving at training modules tapos meron din pong ginagawa ang DOH na national disability prevalence survey para po mabilang natin malaman gaano karami po ba ang may disabilities sa bansa para po makarespond po tayo ng maayos sa ating mga programa and lastly isa pong ginagawa sa DOH meron po tayong gender and development na isa po itong proseso o isang approach para lahat po ng programa aaralin nila ang kanilang nagagawang serbisyo na inconsideration ng gender and development parang may priority po tayo mga kababaihan, mga senior, mga PWD so part po ito ng planning process ng department of health kaya po pinapaigting namin itong gender and development na masama po sa lahat ng programa para po yung mga priorities natin na mga populasyon ay masigurado na mabibigyan ng tamang serbisyo. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Balik po tayo doon sa mga best practices that we can implement. Sir Eric, any best practices in central luzon that you can share with us. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: Actually, in central luzon we are in partnership with DSWD since sila yung katuwang natin for the PWD registry kasi sila na po yung nagmi-maintain ng registry natin for region III. For the DOH, we are maintaining ng 2% ng total budget for the PWD and senior citizens po natin. Yun po yung pondong binibigay natin para po doon sa mga programs and activities na related po doon sa implementation ng programs natin for the PWDs (Persons with Disabilities) such as provision po mga trainings including yung provision in assisted devices po like makapag provide din po tayo sa kanila like yung mga crunches, wheelchairs ganyan po para nabibigyan din po sila ng mga ganyang assistance and kausap po natin yung ating president for the PWDs for region III, I think si Maam Mary Ann yung last time na partner so in coordination po yung office namin with the president po ng ating mga PWDs so nalalaman po namin agad kung ano po yung mga concerns nila and kung ano po yung mga kailangan nila when it comes to health including sa planning kasama po yung mga CSOs natin including yung PWDs po natin na kapag po nag plaplano po tayo ay hindi po pwedeng pinapasa yung mga plans natin na hindi po na rereview ng mga CSOs natin na kasama po don sa planning talaga natin na nirereview po nila yung mga plans and activities po at pine-present po namin sa kanila kung ano po yung mga plans and activities na meron po yung department of health and for their approval po and for their review din po na making sure na kasama po sila doon sa mga pina-plan po ng departamento para po doon sa mga succeeding years natin. Thank you po. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Ms. Patricia Sarenas and Ms. Sandra Sakili Can the vaccination program be fast tracked?; and Paano magpa-vaccine yung kauuwi Lang ng bansa, saan ako dapat magpa-vaccine? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Marie Socorro Santos: Ngayon pong November 29 to December 01 magkakaroon po tayo ng National Vaccination for COVID-19 kahit po mga empleyado po ng department of health ay madedeploy para po mag bakuna at para maachieve natin ang ating target 70% po populasyon babakunahan natin sa COVID-19 vaccine. Ang hindi ko po sigurado paano po yung para sa mga kakauwi lang, coordinate po with your local government units kung saan po kayo pwedeng magpabakuna. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Emil Arceo Molina Bigyan pansin niyo naman ang pagbabayad ng Direct Claim For Reimbursement of PhilHealth Benefits sa mga dialysis patients na nagkaproblema sa kadahilanan na hindi pala accredited o paso na ang accreditation ng dialysis facility nila sa PhilHealth kaya na-obliga silang magbayad ng malaki. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Rey Baleño: Opo gaya ng sinabi ni Mr. Yumul kanina napakahalaga talaga na tayo po ay pumupunta sa pasilidad na accredited lamang ng Philhealth sapagkat ang halaga po non ay magagamit natin yung ating Philhealth benefit. Hindi tayo nag aakredit ng pasilidad na hindi lisensyado ng DOH so ibig sabihin hindi lang magagamit yung benefit kundi makakasigurado sa kalidad ng serbisyo na ia-avail nila doon sa pasilidad. Ngayon kung mga direct claims yan at talagang meron po na malaking dahilan bakit nagkaganoon maari po yang na i-apila sa Philhealth. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Kulang po ba ang demarginalization ng DOH sa vaccination? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Marie Socorro Santos: Tingin ko po ay napakarami po nating mga advertisement, promotion for vaccination so ayon po feeling ko napakadami na naming ginagawa para po mapaigting itong vaccination na demand. Dr. Mari Socorro Santos: I think ang vaccinations ay choice pa rin po talaga ng tao, hindi naman po natin pwedeng pilitin po ang mga tao na magpabakuna kaya po nag bibigay tao sa kanila tama at akmang impormasyon para po sila ang mag decide para sa sarili nila tungkol sa pagbabakuna at sana po makombinsi sila sa lahat ng ebidensiyang binibigay natin tungkol sa vaccination na ito po yung parang paraan para po makalampas po tayo na maging ligtas tayo sa COVID-19 pandemic. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Josefa Pizon Is there an assessment of the capacities of the (local chief) executives in terms of giving access to the service delivery of LGUs? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: For the capacities po ng LGUs natin for service delivery meron po tayong mga indicators na tinitignan when it comes to their service delivery like yung kagaya po na namensyon ni Dr Santos kanina we have the local health system to maturity level na tinitignan po namin yan kung anong level na po kaya yung ating mga LGUs when it comes to strengthening ng kanila local health systems kung ready na ba yung health system nila, yung implementation ng universal healthcare ano ba yung mga kakulangan at based doon sa mga kakulangan na ito ano po yung pwedeng i-assist ngayon ng department of health para po mapunan yung mga kakulangan nila based doon sa atin mga indicators na hinihingi for the implementation ng universal health care for the strengthening of their local health systems. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Jeff Fernandez Hindi po, dahil ako po naoperahan sa ulo; Ofw po ako nung gagamitin ko po ang philhealth ko hindi daw po pwede kasi 3-months daw po ako hindi nakapagbayad |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Well para mas maasistihan natin si Sir Jeff sana po ay magkaroon ng paraan para po makakuha po kami ng contact number po ninyo at para mai-link up namin kayo doon sa aming regional or local health finance office para po mailinaw ito at matulungan po kayo sa inyo pong concern. Ang hangad po namin ay ma-avail po ninyo yung inyong benepisyo at sinabi sa batas na dapat po magamit natin yung Philhealth benefit at hindi po hadlang kung meron tayong naging kakulangan sa bayad. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Rey Gaspay. How about the re-nationalization of provincial hospitals for 3rd to 6th class LGUs so it can be managed efficiently? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Marie Socorro Santos: Regarding for renationalization po ang stand po ng DOH jan, wala po kaming objection sa renationalization of LGU hospitals lalo na po kung base sa pag aaral ay makita namin hindi talaga kaya po magpatakbo ng mga local government units and certain LGU hospitals kaya lang with the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling nga po makikita natin parang nagtatalo po sila re-nationalization versus devolution so kailangan lang po talaga natin na maplano ng maayos. Ano po ba ang popondohan ng national governments ng local government para po walang kaguluhan na mangyayari tas meron po tayong philippine health facility development plan ito po yung plano natin para sa lahat po ng mga hospital at health units, health centers sa pilipinas kung paano po natin sila unti unting i-build up para po maging sapat sila para sa lahat po ng pilipino. Ito po yung plano natin kailangan mamapa po natin ano ba talaga popondohan ng national versus ng local so yun po subject parin po ito sa pag aaral titignan po namin kung anong tama po na gawin para dito dahil hindi naman po dahil hindi lang kaya ng local government lagi na pong sasaluhin ng national kasi may limitasyon din naman po talaga ang national government at makikita po natin ito na kaya po tayo nag devolved noon 1991 kasi nakita natin mukang mas epektibo po ung ang pagpaplano at ang pag implementa ng mga programa at mas malapit po sa tao kesa po nandito sa taas na usually po parang hindi po natin nakikita lahat so para po maging responsive baka better din iba balance lang po namin. Dr. Joseph Acosta: Isa po sana yan sa magiging recommendation ko bago matapos ito at magkaroon ng renationalization yung mga local government na hindi naman naging national ay maging makuha ng national kasi meron talaga namang hindi kakayanin kahit anong isip ko ngayon kahit lakihan nila yung yung IRA na ibibigay using the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling baka hindi kayanin talaga. Isang malaking tulong na magawa ng department of health kung ma-identify nila kung aling GIDAs areas na iyan na para matulungan talaga nila na maka establish ng health system nilang maganda doon sa area na iyon kasi po may isang plastic surgeon na nag-oopera ng mga client meron po kaming organization na sinasamahan at pinupuntahan po namin yung malalayong lugar na iyan Jolo, Tawi-Tawi even sa mga mindanao areas kulang na kulang talaga sila hindi lang sa pag gagamot ng mga kliyente maraming kakaunti ang doctor nila; kakaunti ang ospital nila doon even their medical school in the entire mindanao apat lang sa 36 na medical school ang tingin ko yon ang kailangan tutukan ng department of health na i-renationalization. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Teejay Librada Bakit po sa mga government hospital minsan ang pinabibili pa ng gamit na gagamitin sa pasyente ay ang pasyente pa mismo halimbawa minsan kahit syringe or bulak sagot pa ng pasyente? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Eric Paul Yumul: For that question po depende po kung saang facility sila nandoon na government hospital kung makikita po natin yung mga hospitals po natin meron lang po kasi silang required or approved na bed capacity ratio so yung bed capacity ratio doon po naka basis yung kanila budget so kung makikita po natin yung mga hospitals diba halos yung iba po nasa facility hall kaya kung titignan po natin yung supplies po talaga nila dahil naoover use po yung ating mga hospitals at madami po nagpupunta sa kanila; madaming nirerefer sa kanila hindi po talagang nagiging enough yung kanilang mga supplies kaya po siguro yung ating mga naka confine doon para po mabigyan lang ng enough quality services pinapabili narin po sa kanila ang mga kailangan nilang mga supplies. Yon po siguro yung isa sa mga reason Ma’am. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Rose Agariac. Luwagan po ang requirements ng OFW children para sa vaccine. Alisin nyo ang embassy SPOA hindi lahat my day off, hindi lahat malapit sa embassy. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Maria Socorro Santos: Hindi ko po iyan masasagot ngayon baka po dapat i-refer na lang po namin sa NVOC. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Totoo ba after National Vaccination Day (Nov 29 - Dec 1) wala ng libre galing sa atin government? Salamat po |
Virtual Dialogue |
Dr. Maria Socorro Santos: Tuloy parin po marami pa rin po tayong parating na bakuna galing sa gobyerno sa 2022 po asahan niyo iyan. Sa 2021 to 2022 tuloy lang po ang pagbabakuna. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Kapag indigent hindi pala zero billing. (philhealth) |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Kapag po indigent at iba pang qualified sectors halimbawa senior citizen, PWD sila po ay entitled sa zero balance billing lalo na doon sa pampublikong pasilidad at sa ilang private facilities na nagpapatupad ng zero balance billing so dapat po entitled sa no balance billing lalo na kung indigent. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Michaella Gumangan Flores Hello po kumuha po ako ng Philhealth nung month of July, wala pong binigay na Mdr sakin saka ID. Saan po ako pwede kumuha? Salamat po |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Well, dapat yan binigay. Kung kayo po ay maaaring magtungo sa malapit na local health insurance office sa inyong lugar ay maaari po kayong humingi libre po walang bayad ng kopya ng MDR at ng inyo ID. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
Dagyaw NTWG |
Paano po makapag avail ng PHILHEALTH Z-benefits for Preterm Baby? This is from Jovelyn Legaspi |
Virtual Dialogue |
Mr. Rey Baleña: Actually, meron kaming Z-benefits talaga for preterm o yung mga kulang sa buwan. Actually, medyo mahaba po yung may mga qualifications po ito at may mga conditions. Sana magkaroon po ng tsansa na maibigay po ng contact details ninyo Ma’am Jovelyn para po ma-assist namin kayo direkta. |
Concerns answered during Virtual Dialogue |
How is the 2022 General Appropriations Act (GAA) being revised to account for the DTPs? |
Virtual Dialogue |
National Budget Memorandum (NBM) No. 1382[1] dated 06 January 2021, specifically items 2.6 and 2.7 thereof, highlighted that the rollout of the Supreme Court decision on the Mandanas-Garcia petitions shall already take effect in FY 2022, which will provide the LGUs with greater access to funds for the delivery of devolved services. Thus, national government agencies (NGAs) concerned were advised to strengthen their oversight functions and shift from "rowing" to "steering", focusing on policy and standards development for service delivery, provision of technical assistance, monitoring, and performance assessment of LGUs in the preparation of their budget proposals for said fiscal year. In view of the foregoing, may we note that the FY 2022 GM need not be revised to accommodate the full devolution strategies and activities identified by the concerned NGAs in their respective Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs). At the outset, the concerned NGAs should have been guided by the above provisions of NBM No. 138 in the crafting of their FY 2022 budgets to ensure that said devolution strategies and activities were already considered in the same. Relatedly, as noted under item 8.4 of the DBM-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2021-2[2] dated 12 August 2021, the NGAs concerned shall update their respective DTPs upon the approval of the FY 2022 GM to consider the applicable provisions and possible adjustments in the budgetary allocations of the NGAs. Item 8.3 of the JMC further provides that the changes in the programs, activities and projects of the NGAs concerned and other pertinent proposals (e.g., the capacity development interventions of the NGA concerned to the LGUs) based on the submitted DTPs under EO No. 138, which cannot be accommodated under the existing/approved budgets of the same for FY 2022, shall be evaluated for possible consideration in their FY 2023 budget. |
Response made via Memorandum on January 26, 2022 |
PhilHealth |
Paano mag-apply ng PhilHealth as indigent? Hindi kasi mababayaran ang contribution minsan kapag walang trabaho. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Upang mapabilang sa Indirect Contributors ng PhilHealth bilang Indigent, kinakailangang maisama po kayo sa Listahanan na isinusumite ng Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) sa aming tanggapan. Sa nasabing Listahanan ibinibilang ng DSWD ang mga indibidwal na walang kakayahang magbayad ng kontribusyon batay sa National Household Targeting System (NHTS) for Poverty Reduction, na siya namang pinagkakalooban ng PhilHealth coverage at ipinagbabayad ng Pamahalaan bilang Indirect Contributors. Mangyari po na makipag-ugnayan sa inyong sa local social welfare officer upang malaman at magabayan kayo sa programang ito. Para sa iba pang katanungan ay maaari din po kayong magpadala ng mensahe sa aming FB page sa @PhilHealthOfficial. |
Response sent via email on January 24, 2022. |
PhilHealth |
OFW po ako ng naooperahan sa ulo. Noong gagamitin ko po ang PhilHealth ko hindi raw po pwede dahil 3 months daw po akong hindi nakapagbayad. (What are the guidelines and pre-requisites in claiming PhilHealth benefits?) |
Virtual Dialogue |
Itinakda po ng Universal Health Care Law na agarang makagagamit ng benepisyong PhilHealth ang mga miyembro, kahit pa mayroong kakulangan sa kontribusyon. Bagama’t ito ay kailangan pa rin bayaran nang may interes ayon sa batas, hindi dapat hadlang ang kakulangan o kawalan ng kontribusyon para makagamit ng benepisyo. Ang benepisyo ay kailangang ibawas sa total hospital bill bago ma-discharge ang pasyente. Upang lubos namin kayong maasistehan sa bagay na ito ay mangyari pong magpadala ng mensahe sa aming FB page sa @PhilHealthOfficial. Sabihin lamang po na kayo ay nakapakinig sa Town Hall meeting na isinagawa ng DBM. |
Response sent via email on January 24, 2022. |
PhilHealth |
Paano po makapag-avail ng PhilHealth Z-benefits for preterm baby? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Upang makapag-avail ng Z-benefit for Preterm Baby, kailangang makatugon ang miyembro/pasyente sa selections criteria katulad ng mga sumusnod: 1. Ang buntis ay nasa ika-24 hanggang ika-36 buwan at 6/7 linggo ng pagbubuntis at may pangamba na mag-preterm delivery. 2. Ang nagbubuntis ay kinakitaan ng mga komplikasyon katulad ng eclampsia. Ang benepisyong ito ay maa-avail po lamang sa mga contracted hospital na nagbibigay ng ganitong serbisyo. Narito po ang listahan ng contracted hospitals para sa benepisyong ito:
Mangyari lamang po na makipag-ugnayan sa Z Benefits Coordinator ng contracted hospital na pupuntahan ninyo para kayo ay matulungan at mabigyan ng assessment kung kwalipikado sa selections criteria. Para sa iba pang katanungan, maaari po kayong magpadala ng mensahe sa aming FB page sa @PhilHealthOfficial. |
Response sent via email on January 24, 2022. |
Bakit maraming fully-vaccinated pero wala pong makitang record sa vaccine certificate? |
Virtual Dialogue |
As the VaxCertPH program is still in the process of its finalization, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) has advised all local government units and partner agencies that it is still on its soft launch. As this is the case, it is still operational only for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and for Filipinos traveling managed by all different LGUs nationwide are yet to be uploaded into the DICT Vaccine Administration System (DVAS). In line with this, for purposes of domestic travel, all LGUs are advised to accept the VaxCertPH digital certificate of the LGU-issued vaccine card, whichever is available. This shall be applicable only until the VaxCertPH program has reached its full operational capacity. |
Response submitted through a letter dated January 20, 2022. |
Legit[imate] po ba yung raffle niyo, DOH? Marami po kasi ang nagbibigay ng information about sa vaccine card nila sa Facebook [page] niyo. |
Virtual Dialogue |
The DOH launched the “Bakunado Panalo”, an SMS-based raffle open to vaccinated Filipinos. The raffle, sponsored by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) in collaboration with the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), aims to incentivize vaccination against COVID-19 to increase vaccine willingness. This is also to ensure that people return for their second dose and that the most vulnerable sectors are vaccinated and protected. |
Response submitted through a letter dated January 20, 2022. |
Why do you think hindi natatanggap or nahihirapan ang mga Pilipino na makatanggap ng mga serbisyong medikal? |
Virtual Dialogue |
The national government, through the DOH, maximizes its efforts in ensuring quality healthcare and services are continuously made available and being provided to the public. The DOH has launched various health programs for various aspects of health such as the promotion of vaccination programs which is very crucial with the current COVID-19 situation. Further, we have also launched online platforms for wider information dissemination as well as help hotlines for easier access to basic consultation and health support. |
Response submitted through a letter dated January 20, 2022. |
One requirement in applying for the National ID System is the person’s blood type. How can we get free blood typing in our LGU? |
Virtual Dialogue |
Pending response from DILG |
Allowed na po ba ang mga jeep na nagtatanggal ng divider ng pasahero? May mga jeep po kasi na inaalis na nila yung divider sa loob ng jeep para sa mga pasahero. |
Virtual Dialogue |
Pending response from DILG |
Dagyaw NTWG | One requirement in applying for the National ID System is the person’s blood type. How can we get free blood typing in our LGU? | Virtual Dialogue | Undersecretary Marlo L. Iringan: This Office is of the opinion that since there is no law specifically mandating LGUs to provide blood typing services for free, the availability of the same will depend on the respective programs of each LGU. | Response received via email | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dagyaw NTWG | Allowed na po ba ang mga jeep na magtanggal ng divider ng pasahero? May mga jeep po kase na inalis na nila ayun divider sa loob ng jeep para sa mga pasahero | Virtual Dialogue | Undersecretary Marlo L. Iringan: It is the Department of Transportation (DOTr) which provides for the healthy safety measures that shall be implemented in all public transport. Thus, it is further suggested that the matter be endorsed to DOTr for the provision of their comments. | Response received via email |
[1] National Budget Call for FY 2022
[2] Guidelines on the Preparation of the Devolution Transition Plans of the National Government Agencies Concerned in Support of Full Devolution under Executive Order No. 138, s. 2021
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