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The PH-OGP Secretariat is happy to announce the result of the online voting for CSO Representatives to the Philippine-OGP Steering Committee 2020-2022! The elected CSO Representatives are:
• Unang Hakbang Foundation (UHF) – NCR CSO Steering Committee representative
• Coalition for Bicol Development (CBD) - Luzon CSO Steering Committee representative
• Sectoral Transparency Alliance on Natural Resource Governance in Cebu, Inc. (STANCe) - Visayas CSO Steering Committee representative
• Mindanao Coalition of Development NGO Networks (MINCODE) - Mindanao CSO Steering Committee representative

PH-OGP Steering Committee

Get to know our CSO Representatives!

Unang Hakbang Foundation NCR


Unang Hakbang Foundation (UHF) is a caring organization engaged in helping children on the street and in urban poor communities by creating sanctuaries for them. Established in 1999, UHF implements programs to help children tap their potential and become productive and responsible members of their communities. Some of these programs include Aral Kalinga which provides academic and non-formal educational support to children at-risk of dropping out and street and out-of-school children and youth. In 2017, UHF was elected as NCR CSO Representative in the PH-OGP Steering Committee. UHF greatly contributed in bringing in marginalized sectors in the OGP process, such as indigenous people (IPs) and persons with disabilities (PWDs), and instrumental in co-creating the commitment with the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

Learn more about UHF here:


Coalition for Bicol Development

Coalition for Bicol development (CBD) is a regional network composed of 6 provincial networks and 1 city network. It has a total of 175 member base organizations in the Bicol region composed of people’s organizations, cooperatives, and non-government organizations. Its programs include capacity development of network members, regional engagements and partnership development, and policy advocacy in the areas of good governance, education, environmental protection, and poverty reduction, among others. CBD retained its sit as CSO Luzon Representative in the PH-OGP Steering Committee when it was elected in 2017. CBD will continue to serve as channel in making the works and mandates of the PH-OGP be known to the various levels of local government in Luzon, and will continue to advocate for inclusivity and use of gender lens in all the OGP processes.

Learn more about CBD here:


Sectoral Transparency Alliance on Natural Resource Governance in Cebu, Inc. (STANCe)04 VISAYAS is a policy advocacy organization towards transparency and accountability in the extractives sector. Registered in 2017, it is the convenor of the Cebu CSO Assembly for Natural Resource Governance composed of community organizations of women, fisherfolks, and farmers. As convenor, it leads collaborative efforts with the academia and relevant government bureaucracies in order to clarify, validate, and deliver sectoral issues on the extractive industry. In behalf of the sector, it proposes or seeks interventions from concerned stakeholders. Its Chair represents the civil society in the government led Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI) Multistakeholder Group (MSG). STANCe is also a commitment holder to the 5th PH-OGP National Action Plan. As CSO Representative for Visayas, STANCe will bring in advocacies on natural resource governance and localization of national open government initiatives.

Learn more about STANCe here:


Mindanao Coalition of Development NGO Networks (MINCODE) is the largest coalition of Mindanao Coalition of Development NGO Networks (MINCODE)development NGO networks in Mindanao composed of 10 member networks and 650 people’s organizations, NGOs, cooperatives and other self-help groups. Since 1993, MINCODE is at the forefront of peace and development in Southern Philippines. MINCODE serves as capacity builder, knowledge manager, and advocacy center among civil society organizations in Mindanao. As a coalition, it catalyzes and consolidates efforts on the following thematic areas: peace and multiculturalism, local economic development and environmental protection, and politics and governance. Elected as Co-Chair in the PH-OGP Steering Committee in 2017, MINCODE notably led in pushing forth non-government agenda both at the national and international OGP community.

 Learn more about MINCODE here: /


Congratulations to our CSO Representatives!

For a refresher on the PH-OGP Steering Committee and the election process, please click election briefer here:



The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international movement for openness established in 2011. The Philippines is one of the eight founding governments of the OGP together with Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.